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SFB 574:  Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and the Causes of Natural Disasters

Subject Area Geosciences
Term from 2001 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5484524
Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

The SFB 574 investigated the pathways, fluxes and turnover processes of fluids and volatiles, such as water, carbon, sulfur and halogens through subduction zones, because these control the severity and frequency of natural hazards (e.g. earthquakes and volcanic eruptions), the formation of resources (e.g. gas hydrates), and the regional to global climate via volcanic emissions and lithosphere-ocean-atmosphere elemental exchange fluxes. These objectives have been addressed through the combined work of 18 scientific subprojects and 1 junior research group established during the 11 year lifetime of SFB 574, which covered a wide range of disciplines and methods under the following themes: (A) Subduction zone processes and structure, (B) Fore-arc volatile turnover and fluid flow, and (C) Slab-arc-atmosphere transfer. The first regional focus was on the erosive subduction zone of Central America, which is transitional in the sense that upper plate crust changes from oceanic to continental northward. The second regional focus was then on the accretionary subduction zone of southern Chile with a continental upper-plate crust that thickens northward. Major results that are internationally associated with the SFB 574 are: 1. Recognition of mantle serpentinization as a major carrier of water into the subduction zone, facilitated by bend-faulting of the plate as it approaches the trench (observed offshore of Central America and Chile) and via multi-splay fracture zones off the Central and Southern segments of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone. The hydrogeological and thermodynamical conditions controlling the extent of serpentinization have been constrained by field measurements and by numerical modeling. Furthermore, it has been shown for both study areas that serpentinization of the upper mantle of the incoming plate can influence the entire range of subduction processes, from earthquake activity to magma production and also the chemical composition of the erupted lavas and ultimately the release of climate-influencing volatiles into the atmopshere. Serpentinization was one of the major unifying themes throughout the entire 11 years of the SFB. 2. Serpentinization of the forearc mantle and its role in defining the lower limit of the seismogenic zone and hence the size of rupture zones and earthquake magnitudes. 3. Improvement of our understanding of the hydrogeological system of the forearc at erosive and accretionary margins in relation to tectonic structures, the rates and depths of dewatering at the decollement and how this defines the onset of the seismogenic zone. 4. Stability of the continental slope as a function of the distribution of gas hydrates, the rates and pathways of cold-seep fluid emissions and the input of terrigenous sediment into the trench at erosional and accretionary margins. 5. The importance of the benthic filter in controlling methane fluxes into the ocean. 6. Combination of geophysical and geochemical evidence to demonstrate and measure 3-D flow within the mantle wedge, and development of complex numerical models to investigate the physical parameters of such flow conditions. 7. Evidence for external controls on volcanic degassing and eruption behaviour over a range of temporal scales from seismic stresses through Earth tides to glacial cycles. 8. Quantification of the mass budgets of volatile transfer through the investigated subduction zones through combination of empirical methods and fluid-thermodynamic modeling. 9. Compilation of empirical data for, and climate-modelling of, the effects of arc-volcanic volatile emissions on past, present and future atmosphere and climate conditions.



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