SPP 1115: Mars und die terrestrischen Planeten
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2002 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5471062
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
- Accretion and core formation of terrestrial planets: insights from experimentally determined solubility behavior of siderophile elements in silicate liquids (Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Holzheid, Astrid ; Palme, Herbert )
- Accretion and core formation of terrestrial planets: insights from experimentally determined solubility behavior of siderophile elements in silicate liquids (Antragsteller Palme, Herbert )
- Adaptive strategies of microorganisms to extreme environmental conditions: Molecular mechanisms of desiccation and UV radiation resistance in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans (Antragstellerin Rettberg, Petra )
- Application of geothermometers to Martian meteorites (Antragsteller Palme, Herbert )
- Cellular mechanisms of survival in vegetative microcolonial fungal structures (Antragstellerin Gorbushina, Anna A. )
- Chemistry of the martian atmosphere (Antragsteller Schwarz, Helmut )
- Chronostratigraphy of Mars - Chronostratigraphie des Mars (Antragsteller Neukum, Gerhard )
- Edelgase und Stickstoff in Mars-Meteoriten als Hinweise zur Entwicklung der Mars-Atmosphäre (Antragsteller Ott, Ulrich )
- Experimental study of the survival of endolithic microorganisms during impact and ejection of Martian meteorites: First phase of the transfer of life between Mars and Earth (Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Rabbow, Elke ; Stöffler, Dieter )
- Experimental study of the survival of endolithic microorganisms during impact and ejection of Martian meteorites: First phase of the transfer of life between Mars and Earth (Antragsteller Stöffler, Dieter )
- Fehlordnung in Pyroxenen aus Marsmeteoriten (Antragstellerin Weidner, Eveline )
- Fingerprinting late accretion: Precise measurements of highly siderophile elements in planetary materials (Antragsteller Becker, Harry )
- Formation mechanisms of high-pressure phases in Martian meteorites (Antragsteller Bläß, Ulrich W. )
- Fraktionierung der schweren Edelgase und des Stickstoffs in Mars-Meteoriten als Folge terrestrischer und marsianischer Verwitterungsvorgänge (Antragstellerin Schwenzer, Susanne Petra )
- Geodesy and Cartography of Phobos (Antragsteller Oberst, Jürgen )
- Globale Ausbreitung Stromatolithen bildender Bakterien (Antragsteller Stackebrandt, Erko )
- Integration of image matching and multi-image shape from shading for the derivation of digital terrain models (Antragsteller Heipke, Christian )
- Interior Structure and Seismology of Mars (Antragsteller Oberst, Jürgen )
- Interior Structure and Seismology of Mars and Moon (Antragsteller Spohn, Tilman )
- Investigation of Martin Dust Devils from Multi-Mission Imaging Data (Antragsteller Pätzold, Martin )
- Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model (Antragsteller Fraedrich, Klaus ; Keller, Horst Uwe )
- Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model (Antragsteller Greve, Ralf )
- Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model (Antragsteller Fraedrich, Klaus )
- Investigation of the properties and the processes in planetary near-surface layers (Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Breuer, Doris ; Seidensticker, Klaus )
- Investigation of Titan's meteorology in the light of the Cassini/Huygens mission by means of a general circulation model (Antragsteller Tokano, Tetsuya )
- Laboratory measurements of analog materials for modeling the spectral and photometric behavior of the bright Martian soil (Antragstellerin Arnold, Gabriele )
- Liquid-like adsorption water in the Martian surface (Antragsteller Sattler, Christian )
- Magnetic signature of all Martian meteorites (SNC) (Antragsteller Hoffmann, Viktor )
- Mars and the Terrestrial Planets - Coordination of Programme (Antragsteller Spohn, Tilman )
- Mechanisms of metal-silicate segregation during formation of the Martian core (Antragsteller Rubie, David )
- Mechanisms of metal-silicate segregation during formation of the Martian core (Antragstellerin Holzheid, Astrid )
- Mediterranean deep-sea brine lakes: unique terrestrial environments and analogues to putative subsurface ocean on Europa (Antragsteller Timmis, Kenneth N. )
- Modeling of plasma and magnetic field transport through the Martian magnetosphere on the basis of a three-dimensional hybrid simulation / Extension to a multi-species-ionosphere and code parallelization (Antragsteller Motschmann, Ph.D., Uwe )
- Modeling the Gas Flux into the Atmosphere from the Surface of Mars (Antragsteller Benkhoff, Johannes )
- Multi-fluid model of the solar wind interaction with Mars (Antragsteller Sauer, Konrad )
- New technique for retrieving pressure and temperature distributions in the Martian atmosphere from the infrared limb observations (Antragsteller Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois )
- Oxygen solubility in Fe-Ni-S alloy at high pressure and implications for the formation and compositions of planetary cores (Antragsteller Langenhorst, Falko ; Rubie, David )
- Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal (Antragsteller Mezger, Klaus )
- Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal (Antragsteller Palme, Herbert )
- Plasma induced atmospheric escape at Mars - A synthesis of Mars Express observations and theory (Antragsteller Woch, Joachim )
- Properties, formation and decomposition kinetics of C02 hydrates at conditions relevant to Mars (Antragsteller Kuhs, Werner F. )
- Recognition and modeling of biogenic structures on rock surfaces (far and close remote sensing of structures) (Antragsteller Krumbein, Wolfgang E. )
- Seasonal cycle of the exchange of H2O and CO2 between surface and atmosphere in the Martian polar regions with special considerations of surface topography (Antragsteller Markiewicz, Wojciech Jerzy )
- Stability and structures of hydrous minerals in the transition zone of the Martian mantle (Antragsteller Frost, Daniel J. ; Langenhorst, Falko )
- Staubtori um Mars (Antragsteller Krivov, Alexander )
- Surface tectonics and internal dynamics of Mars (Antragsteller Hansen, Ulrich )
- Systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of all Martian meteorites - TOF-SIMS investigation (Antragsteller Stephan, Thomas )
- Systematische Untersuchungen der Stoßwellenmetamorphose aller Marsmeteorite (Systematic investigation of shock metamorphism of all Martian meteorites) (Antragsteller Greshake, Ansgar )
- Temperature distribution in crust and lithosphere of Mars (Antragstellerin Breuer, Doris )
- The composition and temperature of the Martian Core - An experimental determination of the melting relations in the systems Fe-S and Fe-Ni-S at high pressure and temperature (Antragsteller Boehler, Reinhard )
- The geochemical behavior of Pb and implications for terrestrial core formation scenarios (Antragsteller Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard )
- The Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling (Antragsteller Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik ; Hartogh, Paul )
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mars and Earth (Antragsteller Walzer, Uwe )
- Tolerance limits of methanogenic life in terrestrial permafrost (Antragsteller Wagner, Dirk )
- Untersuchung der Eigenschaften und Prozesse in planetaren Oberflächenschichten (Antragstellerin Breuer, Doris )
- Untersuchung der physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften von eisenreichen silikatischen Schmelzen in Bezug auf deren Relevanz für den Mars (Antragsteller Courtial, Philippe )
- Valley Systems in the Ancient Highlands of Mars: Geomorphology, Environmental Constraints, and Hydrogeological Processes (Antragsteller Jaumann, Ralf )
- Weathering of Iron-bearing minerals and rocks under extraterrestrial conditions investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, XRF, and other methods (Antragsteller Klingelhoefer, Göstar )
Professor Dr. Tilman Spohn