Project Details
SPP 1045: Struktur, Funktion und Regulation des 20S/26S Ubiquitin-Proteasomsystems
Subject Area
from 1998 to 2004
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5468424
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
- Adressierung von 26S Proteasomen an das Membrannetzwerk bestehend aus Kernhüllen und rauhem ER in Hefe (Targeting mechanism of yeast 26S proteasomes to the NE/ER membrane network) (Applicant Enenkel, Cordula )
- Biochemical and functional analysis of multicatalytic proteinase subtypes in 20S and 26S proteasoms (Applicant Dahlmann, Burkhardt )
- Biogenese des Proteasoms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Applicant Dohmen, Jürgen )
- Charakterisierung einer potentiellen Entfaltungsaktivität von 26S Protease Untereinheiten, die zur Familie der AAA Proteine gehören (Applicant Schmidt, Marion )
- Defining a regulatory system at the interface of protein folding and protein degradation (Applicant Höhfeld, Jörg )
- Die molekulare Architektur eukaryotischer und prokaryotischer regulatorischer Komplexe des Proteasoms (The molecular architecture of eukaryotic and prokaryotic regulatory complexes of the proteasome) (Applicant Baumeister, Wolfgang )
- Die Rolle des COP9 Signalosoms bei der Regulation der Ubiquitin- und Proteasom-abhängigen Proteolyse von p53, c-Jun und p27 (The role of the COP9 signalosome in the regulation of the ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent proteolysis of p53,c-Jun and p27) (Applicant Dubiel, Wolfgang )
- Erkennung proteolytischer Substrate durch Cdc20 und Hct1, Rezeptoren der Ubiquitin-Ligase APC (Recognition of proteolytic substrates by Cdc20 and Hct1, receptors of the ubiquitin-ligase APC) (Applicant Seufert, Wolfgang )
- Funktionelle Analyse der Proteasomregulatoren PI31, PA28y/Ki und warum PA28aß die Generierung von MHC Klasse I Epitopen unterstützt Functional analysis of proteasome regulators PI31, PA28y/Ki and why the PA28aß supports the generation of MHC class I antigens (Applicant Kloetzel, Peter Michael )
- Genetische Analyse des Mechanismus der ubiquitinilierungsabhängigen Kontrolle der Signaltransduktion durch den T-Zell Rezeptor (The genetic analysis of the mechanism of the ubiquitination-dependent control of T cell receptor signalling) (Applicant Tarakhovsky, Alexander )
- Identification and characterization of target proteins of the ubiquitin-protein ligase E6-AP (Identifizierung von Zielproteinen der putativen Ubiquitin-Proteinligase E6-AP) (Applicant Scheffner, Martin )
- Implications of ß-subunit exchanges and of interactions with the activator PA28 for the cleavage preferences of the 20S proteasome: A quantitative analysis based on kinetic experiments (Applicant Holzhütter, Hermann-Georg )
- Mechanismus der ER-abhängigen Degradation von Proteinen des murinen Cytomegalovirus (Applicant Koszinowski, Ulrich H. )
- Mutationsanalyse der Proteasomenfunktion (Mutational analysis of proteasome function) (Applicant Heinemeyer, Wolfgang )
- Regulation, dislocation and elimination of membrane proteins of different eukaryotic organelles: Function of the proteasome and its helpers (Regulation, Dislokation und Eliminierung von Membranproteinen verschiedener eukaryonter Organellen: Die Funktion des proteasoms und seiner Helfer) (Applicant Wolf, Dieter H. )
- Regulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome-system during oxidative stress (Applicant Grune, Tilman )
- Spezifität und Mechanismus des eukaryotischen 20S/26S Proteasoms (Specificity and mechanism of the eukaryotic 20S/26S proteasome) (Applicant Schild, Hansjörg )
- Structur and function of mutants of the 20S proteasome from S. cerevisiae (Struktur und Funktion von Mutanten des 20S Proteasoms aus S. cerevisiae) (Applicant Huber, Robert )
- The kinetochore protein Slk19 interacts with the proteasome: Function of the Slk19-proteasome complex in control of meiosis and mitosis (Applicant Hilt, Wolfgang )
- The role of the proteasome in the development of atherosclerotic lesions: possible application of proteasome inhibitors in the therapy of atherosclerosis (Applicant Stangl, Karl )
- The role of ubiquitination in the transport and turnover of membrane proteins (Applicant Kölling, Ralf )
- Ubiquitin abhängige Proteolyse eines Substrates des Zellkerns (Ubiquitin dependent proteolysis of a nuclear substrate) (Applicant Sommer, Thomas )
- Ubiquitin-Konjugat Bildung und Interaktion mit dem Proteasom (Ubiquitin Conjugate Formation and Proteasome Targeting) (Applicant Jentsch, Stefan )
- Untersuchungen zur Rolle der Tripeptidylpeptidase II-vermittelten Proteolyse invivo (In vivo-Role of Tripeptidyl Peptidase II-Mediated Proteolysis in Murine Cells and Mice) (Applicant Niedermann, Gabriele )
Professor Dr. Peter Michael Kloetzel