Project Details
FOR 404: Oxidic Interfaces
Subject Area
from 2000 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5467439
Main subject of the investigations are interfaces and surfaces of transition metal oxides mainly in form of thin films, which are characterized by partial occupation of d levels and therefore may develop interesting magnetic and ferroelectric properties. The research concerns the electronic and geometric structure, electric transport properties, the formation of ferroelectric and magnetic domain structures and order. The projects are devided into two areas "structure and magnetism" and "transport and dynamics". The research concentrates on preparation and characterization of thin oxide films and their interfaces, on the measurement of magnetic and ferroelectric order and their dynamics, on magnetotransport, on theelectronic structure and on the investigation of the non-linear optical properties of such systems.
DFG Programme
Research Units
- Ab-initio Untersuchung der Transporteigenschaften in Ferromagnet-Isolator-Schichtsystemen (Applicant Mertig, Ingrid )
- Electronic theory of imaging of thin oxide layers in the scanning tunneling microscope. (Applicant Hergert, Wolfram )
- Elektronische Theorie für oxidische Grenzflächen (Applicant Hübner, Wolfgang )
- Galvanomagnetic effects in oxide systems (Applicant Esquinazi, Pablo David )
- Grenzflächen-induzierte elektro-optische Eigenschaften oxidischer Halbleiter-Ferroelektrika-Schichtstrukturen (Applicant Schubert, Mathias )
- Interface-related properties of oxide quantum wells (Applicant Grundmann, Marius )
- Magnetische, strukturelle und chemische Eigenschaften oxidischer Grenzflächen und Filme (Applicant Meyerheim, Holger L. )
- Oxide-ferromagnet interfaces for spinelectronics (Applicant Ernst, Arthur )
- Oxidic interfaces (Applicant Mertig, Ingrid )
- Photoelektronenspektroskopie, Auger- und Photoelektronenbeugung an dünnen Oxidschichten (Applicant Widdra, Wolf )
- Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie an dünnen Oxidschichten (Applicant Neddermeyer, Henning )
- Schwingungsspektroskopische Eigenschaften dünner Übergangsmetalloxidfilme (Applicant Widdra, Wolf )
- The influence of internal interfaces on the switching dynamics of ferroelectric oxide films (Applicant Hesse, Dietrich )
- Theorie und Anwendung der spinaufgelösten Photoelektronenbeugung zur Untersuchung der Nahordnung oxidischen Grenzflächen und Filme (Applicant Chassé, Angelika )
- Ultraschnelle Spindynamik und nichtlineare optische Eigenschaften an oxidischen Grenzflächen (Applicant Graener, Heinrich )
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy of interfaces between metallic ferromagnets and oxidic antiferromagnets (Applicant Kuch, Wolfgang )
- X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy on transition metal oxide layers (Applicant Szargan, Rüdiger )
Professorin Dr. Ingrid Mertig