Project Details
Development of monitoring concepts for wind turbines in earthquake prone areas
Dr.-Ing. Mona Amer
Subject Area
Applied Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 545307848
The overall objective of the proposed research project is to obtain a fundamental understanding of the structural and vibrational behavior of wind turbines under seismically induced loads. For this reason, for the first time experimental field tests under real operating conditions are carried out over a long period of twelve months. These investigations should furthermore serve for the qualification of spatial measurement techniques, which can represent an alternative or supplement to conventional measurement approaches. A gain in information is expected from these novel measurement techniques. Ultimately, a monitoring approach should result from this research project, which will help to detect structural changes and damages due to seismically induced loads at an early stage. With these research objetives, the resilience of wind turbines can be strengthened and the application areas of wind turbines in earthquake prone areas can be enlarged.
DFG Programme
WBP Fellowship
International Connection