Project Details
Gentransfer von Zytokin- und Antiapoptose-Proteinen in die Kornea: Untersuchungen zur Prävention der Transplantatabstoßung nach perforierender Keratoplastik (Hornhauttransplantation)
Professor Dr. Uwe Pleyer
Subject Area
from 2004 to 2007
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5434563
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Effects of adenovims-mediated gene transfer of IL-12p40 on comeal allograft survival. ARVO-meeting, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2003. Poster
Ritter T., Yang J., Dannowski, H., Vogt K., Hempel M., Pleyer, U.
Efficiency of cytokine gene transfer in corneal endothelial cells and organ cultured corneas mediated by liposomal vehicles and recombinant adenovirus. Ophthalmic Research 2003. 35: 117-124
Bertelmann E., Ritter, T., Vogt, K., Reszka, R., Hartmann, C , Pleyer, U.
"Gene transfer of AdCTLA4-Ig prolongs experimental comeal allograft survival" EVER 24. Sept. 2004, Vilamoura, Portugal
"Hornhauttransplantation: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit» 77. Versammlung der Vereinigung Rhein-Mainischer Augenärzte 6. November 2004, Homburg
"Penetrating keratoplasty: current problems- current solutions and future perspectives' 7th Congress of Ophthalmologists of Serbia 28. September- 1. Oktober 2004, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
"Selective steroid receptor agonists ( SEGRA) a future therapeutic option?" EVER 26. Sept. 2004, Vilamoura, Portugal
Blockade of co-stimulation by CTLA4Ig gene therapy improves comeal allograft survival but the effect is influenced by corneal-specific immunity. DGFI, Maastricht, 2004. Poste
Gong, N., Yang, J., Vogt, K., Hill, M., Anegon, I., Volk, H.-D., Pleyer, U., Ritter, T.
Einfluss von Cyclodextrinen auf die okulare Verfügbarkeit von Antiglaukomatosa und Immunsuppressiva in vitro/in vivo. Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I der Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut fiir Pharmazie, 2004
Sigrid Knapp
Gene expression of viral Interleukin-10 (vIL-10) prolongs survival of comeal allografts depending on the way of application. ARVO-meeting, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2004. Poster
Gong, N., Yang, J., Dannowski, H., Ritter, T., Pleyer, U.
Gene transfer of anti-apoptotic and cytoprotective molecules in human comeal endothelial cells and their influence on prevention of apoptosis. ARVO-meeting, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2004. Poster
Ritter, T., Ecke, I., Yang, J., Metzner, S., Schu, S., Volk, H.-D., Pleyer, U.
Gentransfer in komeale Endothelzellen: nicht-virale und virale Ansätze zur Modulation der Endothelzellfunktion und allogenen Immunreaktion. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I der Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie, 2004
Haike Dannowski
Effects of a selective steroid receptor agonist (SEGRA) on experimental keratoplasty. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2005. 243 : 450-455
Pleyer, U., Yang, J., Knapp, S., Schäcke H., Schmees N., Orlic, N., Otasevic, L., De Ruijter, M., Ritter, T., Keipert, S.
Influence of local and systemic CTLA41g gene transfer on comeal allograft survival. J. Gene Med. 2006 Apr;8(4):459-67
Gong, N., Pleyer, U., Yang, J., Vogt, K., Hill, M., Anegon, I., Volk, H.-D., Ritter, T.
„New aspects of immune reactions after comeal grafting: The taming of the shrew" XVII. Annual Meeting of European Eye Bank Association 14.-16. Januar 2005, Halle/Saale
„The future of comeal transplantation: Physiology and Pathophysiology and implication for comeal refractive surgery" Opening Lecture of the VII. International Congress on Refractive Surgery 2005 10. März 2005, Alicante, Spanien
"Taming of the shrew" or: "Prevention of allograft response" B. Straatsma Award and Lecture (UCLA), 2006, Los Angeles, USA
Influence of local and systemic CTLA4Ig gene transfer on comeal allograft survival- 7th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy, Berlin, Germany, February 16 - 19, 2006. Poster
Ritter, T. Gong, N., Yang, J., Vogt, K., Hill, M., Anegon, I., Volk, H.D., Pleyer, U.
Local over-expression of nerve growth factor in comeal transplants improves allograft survival. 1st Joint Meeting of European National Societies of Immunology - 16th European Congress of Immunology, Paris 2006 Sept 6-9. Poster
Ritter, T., Gong N., Vogt, K., Anegon, I., Flügel, A, Volk H-D, Pleyer, U.
Progress in corneal concordant xenotransplantation. Prag Czec Republic, 2006
Klara Sedlakova
Risk factors for endothelial cell loss post-keratoplasty. Acta Ophthalmol Scan: 84 (6) 766-770, 2006
Bertelmann E., Pleyer U. & Rieck P.
"Gene therapy in corneal transplantation - Current status and future perspectives" Asian ARVO, 2007, Singapur
"Novel therapeutic strategies to prevent comeal allograft rejection" lOIS 2007, Paris, Frankreich
Current aspects ofthe immunobiology and prevention of comeal graft rejection:what have we leamed from 100 years of keratoplasty ? In: Pleyer U, Foster CS (Eds) Essentials in Ophthalmology. Uveitis and immunological disorders. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 46-75, 2007
X.Q. Li, S. Schlickeiser, Pleyer U
Effects of Interleukin-12p40 gene transfer on rat corneal allograft survival. Transplant Immunology. 2007; 18: 101-107
Ritter, T., Yang, J., Dannowski, H., Vogt, K., Volk, H.-D., Pleyer, U.
Effects of local and systemic viral Interieukin-10 gene transfer on comeal allograft survival. Gene Ther. 2007 Mar;14(6):484-90. Epub 2006 Nov 9
Gong, N., Pleyer, U., Volk, H.-D., Ritter, T.
Effects of Spirolactone on comeal allograft survival inthe rat. Ophthalmic Res. 2007;39:325-329
Otasevic, L., Gong, N., Ritter, T., Mergler, S., Pleyer, U.
Formulation of sirolimus eye drops and corneal permeation studies. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Jun;23(3):292-303
Buech G, Bertelmann E, Pleyer U, Siebenbrodt I, Borchert HH
Gene transfer of cyto-protective molecules in corneal endothelial cells and cultured comeas: Analysis of protective effects in vitro and in vivo. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007c May 25;357(1):302- 7. Epub 2007 Apr 2
Gong, N., Ecke, L, Mergler, S., Yang, J., Metzner, S., Schu, S., Volk, H.-D., Pleyer, U., Ritter, T.
Influence of Inducible Costimulator fusion protein (ICOSlg) gene transfer on comeal allograft survival. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007 Oct;245(l0):15l5-21
Fabian, D., Gong, N., Vogt, K., Volk, H.-D., Pleyer, U., Ritter, T.
Local over-expression of nerve growth factor in comeal transplants improves allograft survival. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sei. 2007 48: 1043-1052
Gong, N., Pleyer, U., Vogt, K., Anegon, 1., Fluegel, A., Volk, H.-D., Ritter, T.
Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 activation induces inflammatory cytokine release in comeal epithelium through MAPK signaling. J Cell Physiol. 2007 May 16
Zhang F, Yang H, Wang Z, Mergler S, Liu H, Kawakita T, Tachado SD, Pan Z, Capo-Aponte JE, Pleyer U, Koziel H, Kao WW, Reinach PS
Western, Northern and Southern Blotting. In: Basic Science Techniques in Clinical Practice Patel, H. R. H.; Arya, M.; Shergill, I. S. (Eds.) Springer, Heidelberg, 2007
S. Schlickeiser, Pleyer U.
"Gene- and cell therapeutic applications for the prevention of corneal graft rejection" XVIII. International Congress for Eye Research (ICER 2008), Beijing, China
"Prophylaxis of immune reactions from gene therapy" DOG Symposium, 2008, Berlin
Corneal permeation studies of everolimus microemulsion. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2008 Aug;24(4):399-402
Baspinar Y, Bertelmann E, Pleyer U, Buech G, Siebenbrodt I, Borchert HH
Ever Lecture 2008 "The taming of the shrew? 100 years of comeal transplantation" EVER, 2008, Portoroz, Slowenia
Keratoplasty in HSV keratitis: prevention and therapy for immunological complications. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2008 Jan;225(l):22-9
Stanojlovic S, Schlickeiser S, Pleyer U
Prolongation of Comeal Allograft Survival by Topical Application of Everolimus in Experimental Keratoplasty. Ophthalmic Res.2008 7;40(6):309-314
Li XQ, Buch G, Otasevic L, Schlickeiser S, Bertelmann E, Pleyer U
The Survival of Herpes Simplex Vims in Preserved Murine Comeas. Ophthalmic Res. 2008; 40(6):329-332
Robert PY, Ducher V, Pleyer U, Denis F, Adenis JP, Ranger-Rogez S.