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Optical properties of mixed mineral, biomass burning and marine aerosols at dry and ambient conditions

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term from 2004 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470891
Hygroscopic and optical dust properties and their link to particle size distribution and chemical composition are important issues for research on atmospheric dust. The goal of this project is thus two-fold. First, existing measurement techniques for hygroscopic growth and optical properties of dust particles are improved and extended to reduce particle-growth-related and optical uncertainties in radiative transfer models. The new techniques are employed during the first field phase for a better characterization of light scattering and hygroscopic growth in the source region for Saharan dust. For that purpose samples from other partners of the consortium will be evaluated besides own samples and online measurements. All new instrumental developments will be apllied during the second field campaign (second phase of the project), which will extend the range of results to detailed vertical profiles of optical properties of the anthropogenically contaiminated Saharan dust plume.
DFG Programme Research Units

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