Projekt Druckansicht

Upper Jurassic Pliosaurs of North-East Mexico: Taxonomy, palaeobiology, evolution and palaeogeography

Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2003 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5413605
... The material clearly belongs to the individual housed in Linares and is still under preparation. Bone structure and state of co-ossification also confirm that this "Monster of Aramberrfi" was a juvenile. An unhealed bite mark in a skull bone proves that the animal died as a result of the attack of another much larger pliosaur. During the campaign in 2001, the original sediment layer bearing the pliosaur, was identified and was subsequently exposed during the field campaign in 2002... In addition to the head of a femur with a diameter of 300 mm, our exploration yielded further bone fragments from the debris down slope and confirmed the pliosaur's position of embedding. The bonebearing concretion measures approximately 8.5 metres in length, appears to be more that 3 metres in width and forms a layer dipping 40 to 60°. The exposed section shows a dense packing of large bones. The excavation, preparation and scientific investigation of these concretions and all bone fragments from the debris are of crucial importance to reconstruct the "Monster of Aramberri". Revelation of its taxonomic status is one of the objectives of the project... We also will present the results and fucture plans of our research work at Linares and Aramberri to the public... and local authorities.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Mexiko


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