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Statistical inference on the shape of multivariate curves: mode detection, level set estimation and classification

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2002 to 2006
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5383848
Final Report Year 2007

Final Report Abstract

Practical and theoretical advances in density estimation were reached leading to efficient stagewise minimization methods, methods to be applied in time series setting, and for the estimation of the density of random coefficients. The idea of shape isomorphisms was developed to detect the shape of multivariate functions, sets, and data. Level set tree based ideas were applied in mode detection.


  • Package "delt": estimation of multivariate densities with adaptive histograms, R-package
    Klemelä, J.
  • Package "denpro": visualization of multivariate, functions, sets, and data, R-package
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2004). Exact constants for pointwise adaptive estimation under the Riesz transform. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 129, 441-467
    Klemelä, J. and Tsybakov, A. B.
  • (2004). Visualization of multivariate density estimates with level set trees. J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 13, 599-620
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2005). Adaptive estimation of the mode of a multivariate density. J. Nonparametr. Statist. 17, 83-105
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2005). Algorithms for the manipulation of level sets of nonparametric density estimates. Comput. Statist. 20, 349-368
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2005). Density estimation with locally identically distributed data and with locally stationary data. J. Time Series Analysis
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2005). Visualization of scales of multivariate density estimates. J. Comput. Graph. Statist.
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2006). Optimal estimation in additive regression models. Bernoulli. 12, 271-198
    Horowitz, J. and Klemelä, J. and Mammen, E.
  • (2006). Sharp adaptive estimation of quadratic functionals. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. 134, 539-564
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2006). Visualization of multivariate data with tail trees. Information Visualization.
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2006). Visualization of multivariate density estimates with shape trees. J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 15, 371-397
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2006). Visualization of the spread of multivariate distributions
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2007). Density estimation with stagewise optimization of the empirical risk. Machine Learning
    Klemelä, J.
  • (2007). Reconsidering the random coefficient model
    Hoderlein, S., Klemelä, J., and Mammen, E.

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