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Theorie für den Einfluß von elektronischen Korrelationen auf die elektronische und strukturelle Dynamik von Materialien

Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2001 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5348694
The influence of electronic correlations on the structural dynamics ofmaterials will be analyzed in equilibrium and in laser inducednonequilibrium. For this purpose theoretical methods for thedescription of the melting of strongly correlated real materials willbe developed and applied to the melting curveof cerium. Special attention will be paid to the changes in theelectronic structure caused by the strong electrical fields duringillumination of materials with intense laser pulses. A generalizationof dynamical mean-field theory for strong electronic nonequilibriumwill be applied to the Mott insulator VO2. This study aims ata) improving the description of the absorption processes.b) describing the relaxation mechanisms of nonequilibriumelectrons.c) treating the structural changes in materials duringand after intense excitation.Improvements in the treatment of absorption and relaxation will bestudied especially in GaAs, in carbon nanotubes and in organometallicpolymers.
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups

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