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Nano- and micropatterned biomineral-based materials: Orientation-specific assembly of coccoliths into arrays

Subject Area Polymeric and Biogenic Materials and Derived Composites
Term since 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 530113012
Coccoliths of coccolithophorid algae are anisotropically shaped microparticles consisting of calcite (CaCO3) crystals with unusual morphologies arranged in complex 3D structures. Their unique micro- and nanoscale features make coccoliths attractive for various applications in nanotechnology. It is anticipated that the range of applications of coccoliths can be further extended by (bio)chemical modification and functionalization as well as possibilities for their arrangement into 2D and 3D arrays. However, methods for both aspects are still lacking. The aim of this project is to develop methods for regioselective functionalization of coccoliths and their assembly into arrays. Regioselective functionalization of the margin area and central area of coccoliths will be achieved by exploitation of local differences in the composition of the insoluble organic matrix of coccoliths. The existence of such local differences in the composition of biomacromolecules within this matrix has only very recently been demonstrated. In particular, we will regioselectively introduce (poly-)peptides that can serve as “anchoring points” for in vitro modifications into the insoluble organic matrix of coccoliths by genetic engineering of a coccolithophore. These engineered coccoliths form the basis for the construction of uniformly oriented coccolith arrays. Several approaches for the assembly of such arrays will be pursued. One approach will be to functionalize engineered coccoliths in vitro with magnetite nanoparticles to yield magnetically manipulable coccoliths and assemble these into arrays. Another approach will be based on engineered coccolith containing peptides that target complementary coupling groups immobilized on surfaces. A third approach will involve wild-type coccoliths. The structural and physico-chemical properties of the coccolith-based magnetite-calcite hybrid material are determined by means of a number of analytical methods. This interdisciplinary project benefits greatly from the complementary expertise of the two applicant groups. In the long term, we aim at the availability of an advanced method pool to regioselectively endow coccoliths with desired properties, to expand the use of these biomineral structures in nanotechnology applications.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France
Cooperation Partner Dr. Damien Faivre

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