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Quantitative real-time 3D electrical impedance tomography of multiphase reactors (A02)

Subject Area Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
Measurement Systems
Technical Chemistry
Term since 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 503850735
The project develops the methodology of quantitative, real-time, 3D Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) for process monitoring in the SMART multiphase reactor for catalytic hydrogenolysis of glycerol. In the project, EIT will be combined with synchronized capillary sampling of multiphase flows, converting impedance data into process variables like gas-holdup, bubble size distribution and phase flow rates. An EIT measurement cell will be built featuring a higher number of electrodes (100-400) than existing systems (32) for performing EIT over a frequency range (100 kHz-1 MHz) on water/glycerol/propanediol/hydrogen flows at temperatures up to 250°C and 50 bar H2 pressure. Tailored measurement electronics and reconstruction algorithms will be developed.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution Technische Universität Hamburg

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