Project Details
Charakterisierung und Modulation der hepatischen Entzündungsreaktion nach hämorrhagischem Schock in der alkoholinduzierten Fettleber
Professor Dr. Ingo Marzi
Subject Area
Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
from 1999 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5215540
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2005) Hemorrhage/resuscitation induced liver injury in the rat can be reduced by a peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase. 9th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research/9. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Frankfurt, Langenbeck's Archive of Surgery, Vol. 390, pp.1435-2443
Lee V.S.Y, Lehnert M, Henrich D, Czerny C, Borsello T, Marzi I
(2006). A peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase applied after hemorrhagic shock reduces liver damage in rats. 10th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research/10. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Münster, Langenbeck`s Archieves of Surgery, Vol. 391, pp.441-544
Relja B, Henrich D, Czerny C, Borsello T, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2006). c-JUN NH2-terminal kinase mediates the hepatic stress response after rat hemorrhage/resuscitation. Twelfth Congress of the European Shock Society, Ulm, Germany. Shock, Vol. 26, Sup. 1, pp.1-41
Relja B, Schwestka B, Sun-Young Lee V, Henrich D, Czerny C, Borsello T, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2007). Der HMG-CoA Reduktasehemmer Simvastatin reduziert den Leberschaden und die systemische Inflammation nach hämorrhagischem Schock bei Ratten. 11th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research/11. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Saarbrücken, Germany. Langenbeck`s Archieves of Surgery, Vol. 392, pp.1435-2451
Seyboth K, Relja B, Henrich D, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2007). Inhibition of c-JUN N- terminal kinase after hemorrhage but before resuscitation reduces liver damage, hepatic and systemic inflammation in rats. 7th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis, Munich, Inflammation Research, Vol 56, Sup. 2, S93
Lehnert M, Relja B, Henrich D, Borsello T, Marzi I
(2008). Binge like ethanol exposure augments the hemorrhage/resuscitation induced liver injury and the proinflammatory response in rats - effects of simvastatin pre-treatment. 6th Congress of the International Federation of Shock Societies & 31st Annual Conference on Shock, Cologne, Germany. Shock, Vol. 29(7), Sup. 1, pp.1-120
Bormann F, Relja B, Höhn C, Henrich D, Czerny C, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2008). Hemorrhage/resuscitation induced mortality in rats is decreased both after binge ethanol consumption and simvastatin pretreatment whereas early proinflammatory changes become differentially activated. 6th Congress of the International Federation of Shock Societies & 31st Annual Conference on Shock, Cologne, Germany. Shock, Vol. 29(7), Sup. 1, pp.1-120
Höhn C, Relja B, Bormann F, Henrich D, Czerny C, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2008). Increased susceptibility to liver injury after hemorrhage/resuscitation in rats acutely fed ethanol - role of pre-treatment with plant polyphenols. 6th Congress of the International Federation of Shock Societies & 31st Annual Conference on Shock, Cologne, Germany. Shock, Vol. 29(7), Sup. 1, pp.1-120
Toettel E, Breig L, Relja B, Henrich D, Czerny C, Schneider H, Lehnert M, Marzi I
(2008). Simvastatin dependent expression of heme oxygenase-1 prevents liver injury after hemorrhage/resuscitation in rats. 12th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research/12. Chirurgische Forschungstage: Chirurgische Forschung - Brückenschlag zwischen Klinik, Forschung und Industrie, Freiburg i. Breisgau, Germany. Langenbeck`s Archieves of Surgery, Vol. 393, pp.1435-2443
Relja B, Lehnert M, Seyboth K, Bormann F, Czerny C, Henrich D, Marzi I
A peptide inhibitor of C-jun N-terminal kinase modulates hepatic damage and the inflammatory response after hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation. Shock 2008; 30(2):159-65
Lehnert M, Relja B, Sun-Young Lee V, Schwestka B, Henrich D, Czerny C, Froh M, Borsello T, Marzi I
(2009). Akute Alkoholbelastung verbessert das Überleben nach hämorrhagischem Schock und nachfolgender Reperfusion bei weiblichen Lewis-Ratten. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany
Lehnert M, Relja B, Riedl N, Czerny C, Henrich D, Marzi I