Project Details
Induzierte Anisotropie im Eis großer Eisschilde
Professor Dr. Kolumban Hutter
Subject Area
from 1995 to 2003
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5211024
Using the results of laboratory experiments on thermomechanical behaviour of natural ice, the origination and evolution of induced anisotropy observed in ice cores of Greenland (GRIP, GISP2, North GRIP) and Antarctica (Vostoc, DOME-C, DOME-FUDJI, EPICA) have to be modelled. A theoretical continuum mechanical model, as well as numerical algorithms appropriate for simulation of recrystallization dynamics will be developed. The model will be applied for improved calculation of ice sheet dynamcis to obtain a realistic prediction of ice sheets flow.
DFG Programme
Research Grants