Project Details
Template assisted small molecule activation with s-/p-block bimetallics
Dr. Fabian Dankert
Subject Area
Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
from 2022 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 518709603
The given proposal describes the conceptualizaiton of a template assisted small molecule activation with s-/p-block bimetallics for the generation of novel main-group based materials.In a nutshell, the work programme can generally be divided into four parts. In the following, these are outlined precisely along the respective main aims.The first part will be the synthesis of s-block metal salts with weakly coordinating anions. This primarily includes the synthesis of the novel congener [Al(OTf)4]-, a weakly coordinating anion which is virtually unexplored regarding the stabilization of elusive main-group compounds. In the second part, it follows the attachment of low-valent group 13 element compounds to generate novel heterobimetallic compounds. The series of bimetallics which is about to be synthesized includes combinations of the ions Li+ - Cs+, Mg2+ - Ba2+ as well as the s-block related ion Zn2+ with Al(I) and Ga(I). Bimetallics as a function of homoleptic complexes are eventually used for the activation of small molecules in the third package. s-block mediation is used to enforce oligomerization reactions here following FLP chemistry such as with Ph-CN, Ph-NC, Ph-CNO, CO2 and further small molecules. With these main-group based macrocycles in hand, the synthesis of main-group materials is eventually scrutinized in base-induced ring-opening polymerization reactions as part of the fourth working package.
DFG Programme
WBP Fellowship
International Connection