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The role of mechanosensing and antibodies for interactions of Plasmodium sporozoites with neutrophils in 3D environments (22*)

Subject Area Parasitology and Biology of Tropical Infectious Disease Pathogens
Term since 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 240245660
During transmission of malaria, Plasmodium sporozoites rely on the surface protein TRAP for migration through the skin and entry into the liver. Sporozoites can migrate on many surfaces, but surprisingly not on endothelial cells or soft gels. We will investigate whether TRAP binds multiple or specific ligands and con-tributes to sensing substrate stiffness. Sporozoites can be immobilized by antibodies and targeted by neu-trophils in the skin. We will quantify through in vivo imaging and by using a novel 3D skin mimetic system if and how antibodies modulate neutrophil-sporozoite interaction.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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