Project Details
application specific assessment of radio interferences (AppFun): development of automated test procedures and mathematical models
Professor Dr.-Ing. Robert Geise
Subject Area
Communication Technology and Networks, High-Frequency Technology and Photonic Systems, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Information Technology
since 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 471297527
In this project fundamental new analysis methods for radio interference will be developed for a variety of applications in aviation, communication and measurement technology. The focus of this project is an individual application based assessment of error quantities, which depend both on the type of interference and dynamic receiver properties, e.g. the integration time. Referring to the type of interference, in particular dynamic propagation channels are investigated as present in scenarios with moving cars or rotating wind turbines. In order to obtain fundamental conclusions on dynamic interferences and dynamic propagation environments, a variety of applications is considered with different carrier frequencies, modulation schemes, propagation environments, and interference mechanisms. For this, measurements are done with arbitrary waveform generators and software defined radios under variation of relevant operating parameters. Additionally, a mathematical modeling of receiver architectures, dynamic propagation channels and the application specific assessment of error quantities is performed. Moreover, with respect to new mathematical models, new methods how error quantities superpose are to be developed also deriving error probabilities. In particular, this is currently a relevant topic regarding the influence of wind turbines on the navigation systems VHF omni direction radio range (VOR), detection probabilities with radar and key performance parameters in mobile communication technology.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
Professor Dr. Achim Enders