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Empathokinaesthetic Assessment and Pattern Recognition of Movement as Biomar-kers for Health Status, Wellbeing and Prognosis of Palliative Patients (D05)

Subject Area Anaesthesiology
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 442419336
This project researches movements as biomarkers in palliative patients for health status, wellbeing and prognosis, i. e. parameters that can be objectified, measured, quantified, and have diagnostic and predictive significance. D05 studies these biomarkers in the laboratory as well as in the living lab of the palliative care unit with palliative patients. Non-contact sensor technology allows for the first time a scientific approach to the last phase of life. D05 additionally researches socio-scientific challenges of medical technological innovations in palliative care and prototypically for all other are-as of health care.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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