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Endoscopic laser-based 3D imaging for clinical real-time analysis of the human larynx

Subject Area Otolaryngology, Phoniatrics and Audiology
Measurement Systems
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 448240908
In technical and economical advanced countries, communication disorders and especially impairment of our vocal expression represent a relevant social and economic disadvantage for both the individual and the society. Until now, in the clinical routine only 2D imaging is used for visual evaluation of the larynx and the vocal folds. However, a profound knowledge of the exact geometry of the larynx, the vocal fold surface and the laryngeal dynamic behavior during phonation would enable conclusions on diverse pathologies like benign and malignant morphological alterations as well as functional disorders. This project is based on the hypothesis, that in the long term, the intended multi-modal based 3D imaging technique will create a considerable added value in the clinical routine of laryngology, since this novel measurement system provides objective and quantitative statements for the following areas: non-invasive screening, support in diagnosis, planning of surgical interventions, control of therapeutic process.In the first phase of the proposal, the central objective is the development of an endoscopic laser-based measurement system, which is suitable for non-invasive real-time analysis of the visible 3D laryngeal surface of the patient. This can only be achieved by close cooperation in an interdisciplinary team of medical doctors, engineers and computer scientists: The Institute of Photonic Technologies headed by Prof. Schmidt provides the hardware-based development of the imaging unit. The Chair of Computer Graphics under the direction of Prof. Stamminger contributes the software-based development of 3D real-time reconstruction. The Division of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology under Prof. Döllinger provides clinical expertise and experimental validation regarding laser safety and the functionality of all developed hardware and software components. In Phase II, we will conduct an extensive study at the ENT department of the University Hospital in Erlangen and perform 3D recordings on healthy test subjects and pathological cases. Besides the acquisition of fundamental knowledge of the underlying fluid-structure-acoustic interaction of phonation, we will be able to identify relevant 3D parameters, define normative values and classify pathologies in their degrees of severity.
DFG Programme New Instrumentation for Research

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