Project Details
Network for Subjectivation Research from an Educational Science Perspective – Theoretical and Methodological Applications (NES)
Dr. Karen Geipel
Subject Area
General Education and History of Education
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 438853509
Recently, the meaning and implications of the concept "subjectivation" have been a vibrant topic of discussions across various disciplines. Over the last years this became especially important for empirical research investigating situated processes of subjectification by combining theoretical concepts with different methods. Within these debates, perspectives from pedagogical and educational science take a prominent stance. Educational research was always increasing the theoretical and empirical knowledge on how individuals become subjects in relation to themselves, others and the world. Therefore, the concept of subjectivation and its related questions are highly relevant for debates from a pedagogical and educational science perspective. Over the years, educational scientists made numerous groundbreaking contributions to the research field of “subjectivation”: These contributions addressed theoretical questions as well as they developed methodological approaches to the empirical analysis of subjectivation processes in educational fields. However, these studies are mostly singular projects and therefore widely unconnected on a systematic level, i.e. the relationship between subjectivation and educational science has not yet been systematically analysed.The goal of the proposed network is an in-depth investigation of the relationship between educational science and subjectivation research. To achieve this, the network aims to map and systemize the current research landscape in its dynamics and breadth. Furthermore, the network will contribute to developing and establishing “subjectivation” as a new research perspective in educational science by formulating criteria for future research practice. Finally, the proposed network aims to develop a theory of subjectivation as a new basic concept of educational science.
DFG Programme
Scientific Networks
Professorin Dr. Bettina Kleiner