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Control of conformational effects in layered kagome MOF films and systematic access to their use in electronic applications

Subject Area Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
Term from 2020 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 434439119
Layered conjugated metal-organic frameworks, characterized with strong in-plane conjugation and weak out-plane van der Waals force, have emerged as promising playground for realizing of electrically conductive materials and show large promise for delicate electronic applications such as reliable field-effect transistors, spintronic devices or possibly might even show superconductivity. However, up to now this principle promise has not been put into reality. One of the key challenges faced by the scientific community is, to synthesize layered conjugated MOFs with high structural control at the atomic or molecular level to dial-in specific electronic properties. In this respect, progress can be only reached in coordinated programs as in the COORNETs SPP and if synthetic chemistry and condensed matter physics join forces – as done in the here proposed project.The ambitious goal of the proposal is to develop hydrogen-free kagome 2D conjugated MOF (2D c-MOF) films with controlled layer orientation and functionality as for example tuned by choice of ligands and layer stacking motive on the one side. To this end, we aim to control lattice structures like geometries, pore sizes and metal-metal distances thus achieving in-plane engineering of charge and spin distribution. To achieve the out-of-plane conformational engineering, i.e., the layer orientation/stacking control in MOF films, a great effort will be devoted into the development of various synthetic methodologies, including the Langmuir-Blodgett-assisted on-water synthesis and soft-template-assisted interfacial synthesis. On the other side, we aim to develop a systematic methodology to analyze the electronic properties of the to-be-developed novel MOFs via charge transport experiments. To this end, we will develop nanoscale contacting schemes using high-resolution lithography to access DC-charge transport properties. After an initial screening phase to develop the best contacting schemes and single out the best MOFs, we will investigate Hall effect, the use of MOFs as thin-film transistors in flexible electronic applications, spin transport, superconductive or memristive properties or their use as gas sensors. We will further use non-contact THz-scanning near field microscopy to access the local AC conductivity.As key achievements, we expect to establish novel electronic structures and reliable synthesis strategies, delineation of reliable structure-transport relationships to demonstrate the superior charge transport performance of novel kagome MOF films. Our work will establish kagome MOFs as versatile electronic material.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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