Project Details
Children's early science motivation: The influence of the quality and quantity of early science education in early childhood centers
Dr. Elisa Oppermann
Subject Area
General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
from 2019 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 432662741
Science is considered as a central learning area in early childhood education. Studies show that children engage in science-related activities in preschool and consequently develop first motivational beliefs about these subjects early on. Moreover, early motivational beliefs have been found to predict children’s future choices and achievement. Research and practice have therefore recognised the importance of fostering children’s science motivation in preschool. It can be assumed that the success of early science education in preschool largely depends on the frequency and quality of teacher-child-interactions during those learning opportunities. This assumption, however, has not yet been empirically tested. In general, little is known about the influence of quantitative and qualitative aspects of early science learning opportunities on children’s science motivation. The present study addresses this gap on the research literature. In this regard, the study also focuses on gender-related pattern. Gender differences in science motivation are well-documented for older children but results for the preschool level are scarce and an inconsistent. It thus remains unclear, whether gender differences already exist at the preschool level and whether preschool teachers contribute to the development of potential gender differences through gendered teacher-child-interactions. The study thus aims to investigate whether the frequency and quality of teacher-child-interactions in early science learning opportunities differ by children’s gender and whether potential differences affects girls’ and boys’ early science motivation.These research questions are tested based on a sample of 60 preschool centres near Berlin and Kiel. The project is thereby embedded in the “NaQua”-Projekt which investigates the relation between structural characteristics of the preschool center, teachers’ professional competencies and the process quality of early science education. The planned study extends this project by measuring additional process level indicators as well as by measuring child-level outcomes. Well-established quantitative measures are used for the process level indicators and children’s motivation. The planned study contributes to a better understanding of quantitative and qualitative characteristics that influence girls’ and boys’ science motivation. Moreover, together with the NaQua-Data the study can, for the first time, test the entire assumed chain of relations linking center level characteristics, preschool teachers’ competences and pedagogical processes to child outcomes in science. The study thus also provides practical insights that can be used for quality improvement and teacher preparation.
DFG Programme
Research Grants