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SPP 1356:  Pluripotency and Cellular Reprogramming

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2008 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 43229294
Final Report Year 2014

Final Report Abstract

The unique properties of pluripotent embryonic stem ES cells to self-renew and to give rise to a full spectrum of differentiated cells has fascinated biologists since decades. Unraveling the molecular pathways of pluripotency provides fundamental insights into cell fate decisions and it opens new strategies for directed reprogramming and efficient commitment into specific lineages. To better understand the molecular machineries of pluripotency and pluripotency induction, concerted and multi-disciplinary efforts are required. The 6 year running time of the priority program SPP 1356 - ‘Pluripotency and Cellular Reprogramming’ started in 2008 with 23 evaluated projects of which 15 were university and 6 non-university groups (MPI, DKFZ, Helmholtz), 2 were joined projects of university and MPI groups. Based on the level of molecular insights into ES cell regulation and reprogramming the key topics of the SPP 1356 focused on two areas: a.) the identification and characterization of genetic and epigenetic networks that control pluripotency; b.) the mechanisms governing the reinstatement of pluripotency in differentiated cells. The scientific focus of the SPP1356 was and remains at the heart of international Stem Cell research. Over two consecutive rounds of selection (3 year funding periods) the participating projects remained by and large constant. The groups in the SPP1356 developed a strong network with manifold interactions between participants at all levels. The SPP1356 served as a platform to discuss concepts and new data and to exchange protocols and materials. The interactions become evident by joined projects publications and novel initiatives originating from SPP1356 participants. The program was very productive. With some 180 original peer reviewed international publications (excluding reviews) each project generated on average 6,9 original publications. A considerable number of these publications were published in journals with high impact factors.



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