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The Exclusive Corpus of Scholia on Aristotle in the Codex Parisinus graecus 1853 (E): First Critical Complete Edition

Subject Area Greek and Latin Philology
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 418455551
An urgent desideratum of the research remains the critical edition of the barely explored and largely unedited scholia to the writings of Aristotle, who proves to be the most widely duplicated profane author in manuscript form and the most annotated and paraphrased Greek author both in ancient times and in the Byzantine Middle Ages.The term "scholia" is understood to mean explanatory (short or longer) texts (in margine or inter lineas), that is to say the kind of paratexts which serve as a linguistic or substantive interpretation of another passage or main text. Because of their manifold significance scholia are the subject of their own critical editions. The usefulness of such texts manifests itself in the valuable material they provide for historical dissemination, transmission and reception history as well as the background to their historical sources.The aim of the project is the edition of the Codex Parisinus gr. 1853 scholia, which includes the investigation, evaluation, edition and philological development of a corpus of scholia texts. Modern scholarship both in the field of text edition and in cultural history and history of knowledge considers the recension and manuscript analysis as well as the classification of the scholia texts according to their sources as groundlaying for their research in the history of the transmission of (Aristotelian) text and in the history of Aristotelianisms.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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