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Value-driven Crossmodal Attention

Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Term from 2019 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 411721317
Attention can be automatically guided to bottom-up salient stimuli, top-down to goal-related stimuli, or even to stimulus features that were previously associated with reward or loss. The latter has been referred to as value-driven attentional selection. To date, value-driven attentional selection has mainly been investigated using intra-modality stimulus-reward contingencies. This poses theoretical limitations to understanding the broader mechanisms underlying value-based attentional selection in everyday, i.e., typically, multisensory environments. The aim of the current project is to uncover the behavioral characteristics and the underlying neural signatures and brain networks of value-driven crossmodal attention. To this end, the studies planned are designed, first, to determine whether value-driven attention can spread across separate sensory modalities; second, to identify which processing level is modulated by value-driven attention (e.g., the level of intra-modal feature/dimension maps, modality-specific maps, or some integrative, supra-modal master map); third, to uncover how attentional load biases value-driven attention; and, fourth to examine (in a parallel strand with the above, behavioral work packages) the interplay between the value-based brain network and the attention network(s) by combining behavioral with EEG and fMRI methodologies.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection China
Cooperation Partner Professor Xiaolin Zhou

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