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Simulation of spatially resolved carrier dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors induced by optical excitation

Applicant Dr. Doris Reiter
Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2018 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 406251889
The central goal of the project is to obtain an in-depth understanding of the spatially resolved carrier dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors acting on ultra-short time and length scales. Two-dimensional semiconductors like the transition metal dichalcogenides are now easily accessible due to recent advances in nanofabrication. We plan to promote the theoretical description of the spatio-temporally resolved quantum dynamics in transition metal dichalcogenides accounting for different scattering mechanisms and different dimensionalities. In particular, we intend to analyse the carrier capture from two-dimensional states into a localized potential using a recently developed Lindblad superoperator formalism. A second focus will be on the light-matter interaction and the light-field dynamics on the nanoscale. For this, we plan to study the spatially resolved dynamics of the light field coupled to the semiconductor using finite difference time-domain simulations. We aim to describe the light field dynamics and the carrier dynamics in the semiconductor on the same footing. Our studies on the dynamics will support and guide the future applications of two-dimensional semiconductors.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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