Project Details
Performance increase of metal bonded CBN tools by cryogenic cooling
Professor Dr. Bernd Breidenstein, since 7/2019
Subject Area
Metal-Cutting and Abrasive Manufacturing Engineering
from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 405337217
Compared to conventional tools, metal bonded CBN grinding wheels possess an increased thermal conductivity and therefore offer the potential to alter the heat balance during grinding in benefit of a lower workpiece temperature. A lower heat input into the part results in an improved part quality and enables an increase in productivity. The technology of cooling with cold media (cryogenic cooling) offers the potential to increase the temperature difference between workpiece and tool and thereby to enhance the heat dissipation from the contact zone and the performance potential of metal bonded CBN tools. The influence of the cooling temperature on the chip formation, the resultant heat generation and heat distribution is not sufficiently known. For these reasons the aim of the proposed project is to identify the technological background for an increase in productivity of metal bonded CBN grinding tools by implementation of cryogenic cooling. The innovative approach is to specifically influence the heat balance of the grinding process by using cold media. Thereby the temperature of the grinding wheel can be lowered and consequently more heat will migrate into the tool. This aim contributes to a better understanding of the grinding process on a scientific level. Based on this fundamental understanding the potential of the much discussed technology of cryogenic cooling can be evaluated scientifically. The use of metal bonded CBN tools is not very common until today, because the advantages that could balance out the high acquisition costs of these tools are not fully quantifiable yet. For thermally critical processes like the profile grinding of steel in the gearing manufacturing the possibility to significantly increase productivity and economic efficiency is facilitated.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Dr.-Ing. Thilo Grove, until 6/2019