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Didactic Platonism: a System of Thought and its Metaphysical Patterns / Anti-Dogmatic Patterns

Applicant Anna Motta, Ph.D.
Subject Area History of Philosophy
Term from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 394776507
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

This research focuses on the relation between isagogical patterns characterising the Platonist tradition and the theoretical background they are inserted in. By challenging commonplaces characterising scholarship on these themes, my main aim is to demonstrate that Platonism develops in a highly original way isagogical schemata which are not mere didactic devices, but are in fact the expression of a metaphysically based educational and communicative system. Indeed, as the Neoplatonists stress the relation between form and content, the schemata are to be seen first of all as a reflection of the metaphysical realm. Drawing from a rich variety of texts, the research deals with the topics students were required to be aware of early in their studies; these requirements were eventually schematized into introductory patterns (i.e. schemata isagogica). I have tried to demonstrate that they were mainly the didactic expression of new theoretical and metaphysical achievements: the exegetical categories suggested in rhetorical treatises prove necessary, yet are not sufficient in themselves to justify their application within the Platonic system. All in all, this research shows that Neoplatonist isagogical patterns do not simply follow extrinsic criteria, serving as merely rhetorical devices that can be used to read any text; rather, they appear to be closely connected to the doctrinal acquisitions of a philosophy whose teaching method offers the clearest example of a theoretical effort that is inseparable from exegesis.



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