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GSC 243:  Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)

Subject Area Social Sciences
Term from 2007 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 39276674
The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) is dedicated to the promotion of professional doctoral research in an international environment. The BGSS aims to train a new generation of social scientists. It offers a structured doctoral training curriculum, intensive individual supervision and an array of additional support and funding schemes. Since its founding in 2002 the BGSS has become a prime address for the professional education of up-and-coming young scientists. Each year a new "generation" of doctoral researchers joins the graduate school after successfully going through the international application procedure. In 2007 the BGSS applied successfully for a five year funding through the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments. The common goal of the faculty of the BGSS is to create an international platform for the education and training of up-and-coming young social scientists in Berlin.
Research and doctoral training at the BGSS aim to put the classical tradition of European social science, to use in the comparative analysis of contemporary problems of social inclusion and democratic performance. The research agenda is mainly focused on the question of whether and how modern societies are able to cope with problems of inclusion and exclusion, discrimination and diversity, heterogeneity and individualisation as well as how the frameworks of democracy will evolve and how democratic institutions will perform under these conditions in the context of Europeanisation. In this broad perspective we have developed two interrelated and interdisciplinary areas of doctoral research for the years to come:
(1) Laboratory Europe: Democracy and Society Beyond the Nation State, and
(2) Protection, Provision and Security: The Transformation of Modern States and the Changing Role of Civil Society.
The BGSS serves as a regional and international platform for doctoral training and the education of social scientists based on a strong network of non-university institutions and universities in order to improve the training of doctoral candidates and research conditions for both our own doctoral candidates and young researchers from these institutions. For this purpose the BGSS has developed a new concept of research cooperation with leading non-university research institutions in our region, particularly the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB), the Hertie School of Governance (HSoG) and the Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ).
DFG Programme Graduate Schools
Applicant Institution Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Participating Researchers Professorin Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Helmut K. Anheier; Professor Dr. Michael W. Bauer; Professor Dr. Hans Bertram; Professorin Dr. Talja Blokland; Professorin Dr. Julia von Blumenthal; Professorin Dr. Tanja A. Börzel; Professor Craig Calhoun, Ph.D.; Professorin Donatella Della Porta, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Andreas Eckert; Professor Dr. Klaus Eder; Professor Dr. Jürgen Gerhards; Professor Dr. Stefan Hornbostel; Professor Dr. Markus Jachtenfuchs; Professor Dr. Ruud Koopmans; Professor Dr. Wolfgang Merkel; Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Müller; Professor Dr. Herfried Münkler; Professor Dr. Friedbert W. Rüb; Professor Dr. Jürgen Schupp; Professorin Dr. Heike Solga; Professorin Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff; Professor Dr. Bernd Wegener; Professor Dr. Bernhard Weßels; Professorin Dr. Gökce Yurdakul, Ph.D.
Spokesperson Professorin Ellen M. Immergut, Ph.D., since 9/2013

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