EXC 264: Topoi - The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilisations
Final Report Abstract
Two universities, four research institutes, one project. The Excellence Cluster Topoi was launched on 1 November 2007, thanks to a successful joint application submitted by Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). The objective of Topoi was to explore the interdependency of space and knowledge in ancient civilizations. For the past 12 years, Topoi’s researchers investigated spatial systems and varied forms of knowledge as interdependent factors influencing the development of ancient cultures. This joint endeavor, involving more than 30 traditional disciplines, succeeded in creating a strong sense of cooperation and transcended traditional subject boundaries through the adoption of crossdisciplinary approaches. As the Cluster’s investigation proceeded, there was an intensification of the inquiry into the role of different manifestations of spaces in the generation of knowledge in the ancient world, from the historical evolution of developing societies to the creation and diffusion of knowledge and early technology. The interrelationship between knowledge and space was examined in paradigmatic case studies addressing a period extending from the late Neolithic to the post classical era, in five research areas, “Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design” (A), “Constructing Historical Space” (B), “Perception and Representation” (C), “Theory and Science” (D) and “The Processing of Space” (E, 2007–2012). In May 2011, the two Berlin universities, together with their partners, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG), and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SPK), founded the Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK), thus providing a permanent central structure for ancient and classical studies in Berlin that is absolutely unique. The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS), which is part of the BAK, brings together the full interdisciplinary and inter-institutional resources from the array of research institutions in Berlin for the purpose of training young scholars; the Research Center for Ancient Studies and the Forum Digital Antiquity foster collaboration and networking as well as new digital approaches in ancient studies. The BAK structures were established and filled with life during the course of Topoi I and II, laying the groundwork for the development of the BAK as the umbrella organization for ancient and classical studies in Berlin.
Link to the final report
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Die Metapher der Mischung in den Platonischen Dialogen Sophistes und Philebos. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2010
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Echterhölter, Anna, and Iris Därmann, eds.
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Noble, Christopher
Diversity and Standardization. Perspectives on social and political norms in the ancient Near East, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2013
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van der Eijk, Philip, and Peter N. Singer
Gesicht und Schrift. Die Erzählung von Jenseitsreisen in Antike und Mittelalter. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Benz, Maximilian
Herrschaftsräume und Herrschaftswissen ägyptischer Lokalregenten. Soziokulturelle Interaktionen zur Machtkonsolidierung vom 8. bis zum 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 21. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Moje, Jan
Mobilität und Wissenstransfer in diachroner und interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 9. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2013
Kaiser, Elke, and Wolfram Schier, eds.
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Altekamp, Stefan, Carmen, Marcks-Jacobs, and Peter Seiler, eds.
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Beckers, Brian, Brigitta Schütt, Sumiko Tsukamoto, and Manfred Frechen
"Akkulturation und die Konstituierung von Identitäten. Einige theoretische Überlegungen anhand des Fallbeispieles der hogbacks." In Die Wikinger und das Fränkische Reich. Identitäten zwischen Konfrontation und Annäherung, edited by Kerstin P. Hofmann, Hermann Kamp and Matthias Wemhoff, 21-50. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2014
Hofmann, Kerstin P.
"Untersuchungen am unteren Aufweg der Knickpyramide in Dahschur." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 68 (2014): 1–30
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L'amministrazione municipale delle strade romane in Italia. Bonn: Habelt Verlag, 2014
Campedelli, Camilla
On Ancient Grammars of Space. Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 19. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Kutscher, Silvia, and Daniel A. Werning, eds.
Partitioning the Soul. Debates from Plato to Leibniz. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 22. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Corcilius, Klaus, and Dominik Perler, eds.
Spatial Analysis And Social Spaces. Interdisciplinary Approaches To The Interpretation Of Prehistoric And Historic Built Environments. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 18. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Paliou, Eleftheria, Undine Lieberwirth, and Silvia Polla, eds.
The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BC. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 12. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Bonatz, Dominik, ed.
The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle's Physics. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014
Odzuck, Sebastian
Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 20. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014
Brosch, Cyril
„Den Sternen und dem Himmel würdig". Kaiserliche Palastbauten in Rom und Trier. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014
Wulf-Rheidt, Ulrike
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Hofmann, Kerstin P.
CIL XVII/1.1: Miliaria provinciae Hispaniae Citerioris. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015
Schmidt, Manfred G., and Camilla Campedelli
Cityscaping. Constructing and Modelling Images of the City. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015
Fuhrer, Therese, Felix Mundt, and Jan Stenger, eds.
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Parzinger, Hermann
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Gärtner, Florian
Landschaften der Ritualisierung. Die Fundplätze kupfer- und bronzezeitlicher Metalldeponierungen zwischen Donau und Po. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 26. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015
Neumann, Daniel
Museumsvisionen. Der Wettbewerb zur Erweiterung der Berliner Museumsinsel 1883/84. Kiel: Verlag Ludwig, 2015
Bernau, Nikolaus, Hans-Dieter Nägelke, and Bénédicte Savoy, eds.
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Gerling, Claudia
The Faculties: A History. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015
Perler, Dominik ed.
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Bernbeck, Reinhard, and Susan Pollock
"The Receptacle as a Material Base for Bodies in Plato’s TIMAEUS." In Soma: Körperkonzepte und körperliche Existenz in der antiken Philosophie und Literatur, edited by Thomas Buchheim, David Meißner, and Nora Wachsmann, 201-226. Hamburg: Meiner, 2016
Beere, Jonathan
Ancient Sundials, 2016, Edition Topoi
Graßhoff, Gerd, Elisabeth Rinner, Karlheinz Schaldach, Bernhard Fritsch, and Liba Taub
Das Siebenstromland zwischen Bronze- und Früheisenzeit. Eine Regionalstudie. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 28. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2016
Gass, Anton
Gottes Körper. Jüdische, christliche und pagane Gottesvorstellungen in der Antike. München: Verlag CH Beck, 2016
Markschies, Christoph
Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae, Edition Topoi, 2016
Breytenbach, Cilliers, Klaus Hallof, Ulrich Huttner, Jennifer Krumm, Jean Ogereau, and Marina Veksina
Modelling Human Behaviour in Landscapes. Basic Concepts and Modelling Elements. Wien, New York: Springer, 2016
Nakoinz, Oliver, and Daniel Knitter
Raum, Gabe und Erinnerung. Weihgaben und Heiligtümer in prähistorischen und antiken Gesellschaften. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 38. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016
Hansen, Svend, Daniel Neumann, and Tilmann Vachta, eds.
Space and Knowledge. Topoi Research Group Articles. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 6, 2016
Graßhoff, Gerd, and Michael Meyer, Eds.
Spatial Metaphors. Ancient Texts and Transformations. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 39. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016
Horn, Fabian, and Cilliers Breytenbach, eds.
Spatial Thinking and External Representation: Towards a Historical Epistemology of Space. Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2016
Schemmel, Matthias, ed.
The Aristotelian Mechanics. Text and Diagrams. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2016
van Leeuwen, Joyce
Wasser - Wege - Wissen auf der iberischen Halbinsel. 3 volumes. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2016 - 2018
Czeguhn, Ignacio, Cosima Möller, Yolanda Quesada Morillas, and José A. Pérez Juan, eds.
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Ossendrijver, Matthieu
"Großbaustellen in Sumer: Aufwand und Kosten." In Groß Bauen. Großbaustellen als kulturgeschichtliches Phänomen, edited by Klaus Rheidt, and Werner Lorenz, 27-36. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017
Brunke, Hagan
"Of Paths and Places: the Origin of Ptolemy’s Geography." Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (2017): 81–101
Graßhoff, Gerd, Florian Mittenhuber, and Elisabeth Rinner
"Transforming Technical Know-how in Time and Space. Using the Digital Atlas of Innovations to Understand the Innovation Process of Animal Traction and the Wheel." eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies 6 (2017): 16–63
Klimscha, Florian
Between Memory Sites and Memory Networks. New Archaeological and Historical Perspectives. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 45. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017
Bernbeck, Reinhard, Kerstin P. Hofmann, and Ulrike Sommer, eds.
Das Meer als Versprechen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017
Kopp, Hans
Imagining Empire: Political Space in Hellenistic and Roman Literature. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017
Asper, Markus, and Victoria Rimell, eds.
On The Mount Of Intertwined Serpents. The Pictorial History of Power, Rule, and Land on Lienzo Seler II. Petersberg: Imhof Verlag, 2017
König, Viola
Praxagoras of Cos on Arteries, Pulse and Pneuma. Fragments and Interpretation. Leiden: Brill, 2017
Lewis, Orly
Studies on the Ancient Exact Sciences in Honor of Lis Brack-Bernsen. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 44. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017
Steele, John, and Mathieu Ossendrijver, eds.
Tabula Peutingeriana. Die einzige Weltkarte aus der Antike. Darmstadt: Philipp von Zabern in WBG, 2017
Rathmann, Michael
The Iberian Peninsula in Ptolemy’s Geography. Origins of the Coordinates and Textual History. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 51. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017
Defaux, Olivier
Vom Wandern der Völker. Migrationserzählungen in den Altertumswissenschaften. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 41. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017
Wiedemann, Felix, Kerstin P. Hofmann, and Hans-Joachim Gehrke, eds.
Aristotle’s Theory of Bodies. Oxford: University Press, 2018
Pfeiffer, Christian
Atlas of Innovations, 2018, Edition Topoi
Hansen, Svend, Jürgen Renn, Florian Klimscha, Jochen Büttner
Außenräume in Innenräumen. Die musealen Raumkonzeptionen von Walter Andrae und Theodor Wiegand im Pergamonmuseum. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 2018
Maischberger, Martin, and Barbara Feller, eds.
Das öffentliche Auftreten des Christentums im spätantiken Antiochia. Eine Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Agonmetaphorik in ausgewählten Märtyrerpredigten des Johannes Chrysostomos. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018
Krautheim, Frauke
Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 58. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018
Mania, Ulrich, and Monika Trümper, eds.
Die Dekonstruktion antiker Räume und die Spolienverwertung beim Neubau von St. Peter in Rom. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 63. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018
Fritsch, Bernhard
Early Christianity in Lycaonia and Adjacent Areas. From Paul to Amphilochius of Iconium. Leiden: Brill, 2018
Breytenbach, Cilliers, and Christiane Zimmermann
Frühe Eisenverhüttung bei Glienick. Siedlungs- und wirtschaftsarchäologische Forschungen zur vorrömischen Eisen- und römischen Kaiserzeit in Brandenburg. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2018
Brumlich, Markolf
Hyginus – Das Feldmesserbuch. Ein Meisterwerk der spätantiken Buchkunst. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018
Lindermann, Jens-Olaf, Eberhard, Knobloch, and Cosima Möller
Paths of Knowledge. Interconnection(s) between Knowledge and Journey in the Greco-Roman World. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 60. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018
Ferella, Chiara, and Cilliers Breytenbach, eds.
Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra. Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2018
Geller, Mark J., and Jens Braarvig, eds.
Wandernde Dinge als Assemblagen. Neo-Materialistische Perspektiven zum ‚römischen Import‘ im ‚mitteldeutschen Barbaricum‘. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 52. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018
Schreiber, Stefan
Water Management in Ancient Civilizations. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 53. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018
Berking, Jonas, ed.
„Mathematical Modeling of the Spreading of Innovations in the Ancient World.” eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies 7 (2018): 1-32
Djurdjevac Conrad, Nataša, Daniel Fürstenau, Ana Grabundžija, Luzie Helfmann, Martin Park, Wolfram Schier, Brigitta Schütt, et al.
„The early history of weighing technology from the perspective of a theory of innovation.” In Emergence and expansion of pre-classical mechanics, edited by Rivka Feldhay, Jürgen Renn, Matthias Schemmel, and Matteo Valleriani, 81-109. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018
Büttner, Jochen, Jürgen Renn, and Mathias Schemmel
"Describing Spaces: Topologies of Interlace in the St Gall Gospels." In Sacred Scripture / Sacred Space: The Interlacing of Real Places and Conceptual Spaces in Medieval Art and Architecture, edited by Tobias Frese, Wilfried E. Keil, and Kristina Krüger, 11-36. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019
Bawden, Tina
"Reconstructing human–landscape interactions in the context of ancient iron smelting on Elba Island, Italy, using sedimentological evidence." Geoarchaeology, 2019 (Feb 2019): 1–24
Becker, Fabian, Raphael Eser, Philipp R. Hoelzmann, and Brigitta Schütt
Camminando vedrete. Wege durch das antike Rom in der Reiseliteratur des 7. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 71. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019
Römer, Lisa
Chemical Composition of Ancient Ceramics, 2019, Edition Topoi
Schneider, Gerwulf, and Malgorzata Daszkiewicz
Das dritte Jahrtausend im osteuropäischen Steppenraum. Kulturhistorische Studien zu prähistorischer Subsistenzwirtschaft und Interaktion mit benachbarten Räumen. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 37. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019
Kaiser, Elke
Das Höhlenbuch im Grab des Petamenophis (TT33). Szenen, Texte, Wandtafeln. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 66. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019
Werning, Daniel A.
Galen: Works on Human Nature. Mixtures (De Temperamentis). Cambridge: University Press, 2019
van der Eijk, Philip, and Peter N. Singer
Johannes Chrysostomos und die Christianisierung der Polis: “Damit die Städte Städte werden”. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019
Stenger, Jan
Music and Politics in the Ancient World. Exploring Identity, Agency, Stability and Change through the Records of Music Archaeology. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 65. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019
Eichmann, Ricardo, Mark Howell and Graeme Lawson, eds.
Zentralität. Theorie, Methoden und Fallbeispiele zur Analyse zentraler Orte. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 56. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2019
Nakoinz, Oliver
“Evaluating the Potential of Semi-Automated Image Analysis for Delimiting Soil and Sediment Layers.” Journal of Field Archaeology 44, 7 (2019)
Haburaj, Vincent, Jan Krause, Sebastian Pless, Björn Waske, and Brigitta Schütt
Approaching Economic Spaces. Methods and Interpretation in Archaeometric Ceramic Analysis. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 64. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2020
Meyer, Michael, ed.
Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 44. Berlin: Edition Topoi
Knitter, Daniel; Schier, Wolfram; Schütt, Brigitta