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EXC 2123:  QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Astrophysics and Astronomy
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Geophysics and Geodesy
Condensed Matter Physics
Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
Particles, Nuclei and Fields
Term since 2019
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 390837967
In February 2016, the discovery of Gravitational Waves generated by two merging black holes was announced for the first time ever. This was a triumph of quantum metrology. The mission of QuantumFrontiers is to merge quantum metrology and nanometrology in order to advance to the next level of unprecedented sensitivity and precision, and to push the bounds of knowledge at the largest and smallest dimensions: from gravitational wave astronomy to the manipulation of light and matter on the quantum level.By exploiting both the exquisite control of the inner as well as the outer degrees of freedom of quantum objects and the impressive developments in nanotechnologies, we will realize unprecedented advancements in experimental precision, to instigate completely new grand-scale technological capabilities. QuantumFrontiers brings together Leibniz Universität Hannover, TU Braunschweig, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt and other key partner institutions, to have at its disposal a perfectly-suited infrastructure as well as an outstanding network of scientists from the fields of physics, engineering and the natural sciences. This quantum-nanometrology triangle is a compelling, one-of-a-kind strategic partnership, that will stimulate a thriving research environment, which is primed to make technological breakthroughs of international relevance. QuantumFrontiers' multi-scale and inter-disciplinary research approach will lead to results that will impact multiple fields of research, and are as important for kilometre-size gravitational wave detectors, as they are for nanoscopic light emitters, cutting-edge microscopy, the observation of global change processes and precise navigation. The newly developed measurement concepts and sensing platforms are based on photonic systems, dedicated semiconductors, nanostructures, quantum-manipulated atomic and molecular ensembles, and even macroscopic quantum objects. Beside gravitational wave astronomy, the cluster will instigate influential new discoveries and developments in technological fields, such as: optical atomic clocks for the world's most precise time measurements and future reference systems, orders of magnitude improvement in precision atom-interferometry, new quantum standards, subwavelength-nanophotonic structures with an unparalleled accurate control of the light, hybrid CMOS-integration for NanoLED technology in the sub-100 nm regime, laser interferometry with resolution in the picometre regime for satellites, chip-based compact atom optics and nanophotonics, and relativistic geodesy with sub-centimetre resolution.
DFG Programme Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Co-Applicant Institution Technische Universität Braunschweig

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