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Peripheral Rural Areas: Digitalization and Social Constructions of Space (B01)

Subject Area Empirical Social Research
Term since 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 290045248
Based on the findings of the first phase, the project investigates the effects of digitalization processes and strategies and examines the impact of digital practices in peripheral rural areas, focusing on fundamental changes in social construction of space in rural contexts in China and Chile. Besides looking at practices of actors involved in regional planning, the analysis also includes (regional) political actors and rural residents. The emphasis is placed on the potential conflicts arising between different spatial figures such as territorial space vs. network space. B01 thereby provides insights into the refiguration of rural spaces related to the digitalization of everyday practices.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution Technische Universität Berlin

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