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Model Predictive Control of Mobile Robots: Beyond Set Point Stabilization

Subject Area Automation, Mechatronics, Control Systems, Intelligent Technical Systems, Robotics
Term from 2017 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 385779502
The proposed project serves as a stage for scientific interaction between up-and-coming scientists, who are devoted to current trends in model predictive control (MPC):Distributed MPC of interconnected systems is concerned with automatic control of cyber physical systems. The different approaches are mainly distinguished with respect to the intensity of collaboration (level of cooperation).Self-tuning MPC exhibits additional flexibility and, thus, enlarges the range of potential applications. This allows for fault-tolerant control and the adaptation of the algorithm during its runtime to realize the control task.The study and analysis of interconnected, spatially distributed or differently coupled systems opens up new perspectives, which are, e.g., essential in multi-agent systems (mobile robots), in logistics from the viewpoint of Industrie 4.0 or within the control of renewable energy systems. Within this paradigm shift economic MPC plays a major role. Here, the stage costs are directly taken from the respective application. Hence, set points or periodic orbits are the outcome of the optimization and not set a priori as optimization objective.Thereby, a key objective is to build up a network to tackle joint, innovative research projects, which are both scientifical sound and applicable to industrially relevant control problems.
DFG Programme Scientific Networks

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