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Sterically encumbered ligand systems to control of the structure-reactivity relationship in transition metal complexes and to activate small molecules

Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 366825329
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


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  • Reactivity Studies on [Cp'Fe(μ-I)]2: Nitrido-, Sulfido- and Diselenide Iron Complexes Derived from Pseudohalide Activation. Chemical Science, Vol. 8. 2017, pp. 4108-4122.
    M. Reiners, M. Maekawa, C. G. Daniliuc, M. Freytag, P. G. Jones, P. S. White, J. Hohenberger, J. Sutter, K. Meyer, L. Maron, M. D. Walter
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  • Synthesis and electronic ground state properties of pyrrolyl-based iron pincer complexes ― revisited. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 56. 2017, Issue 14, pp. 8415–8422.
    N. Ehrlich, M. Kreye, D. Baabe, P. Schweyen, M. Freytag, P. G. Jones, M. D. Walter
    (See online at
  • [(NHC)CoR2]: Pre-catalysts for homogeneous olefin and alkyne hydrogenation. Chemical Communications, Vol. 54. 2018, pp. 13798-13801.
    A. Enachi, D. Baabe, M.-K. Zaretzke, P. Schweyen, M. Freytag, J. Raeder, M. D. Walter
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  • Monomeric Fe(III) half-sandwich complexes [Cp'FeX2] - synthesis, properties and electronic structure. Dalton Transactions, Vol. 47.2018, pp. 10517-10526.
    M. Reiners, M. Maekawa, D. Baabe, M.-K. Zaretzke, P. Schweyen, C. G. Daniliuc, M. Freytag, J. Raeder, J. Hohenberger, J. Sutter, K. Meyer, M. D. Walter
    (See online at
  • Pogo-Stick Iron and Cobalt Complexes: Synthesis, Structures and Magnetic Properties. Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 58. 2019, Issue 24, pp. 16475–16486.
    M. Peters, D. Baabe, M. Maekawa, D. Bockfeld, M.-K. Zaretzke, M. Tamm, M. D. Walter
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  • Enantiomerically Pure Constrained Geometry Complexes of the Rare‐Earth Metals featuring a Dianionic N‐Donor Functionalised Pentadienyl Ligand – Synthesis and Characterisation. Chemistry — European Journal, 2020.
    K. Münster, A. C. Fecker, J. Raeder, M. Freytag, P. G. Jones, M. D. Walter
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  • NH3 formation from N2 and H2 mediated by molecular tri-iron complexes. Nature Chemistry, Vol. 12. 2020, pp. 740–746.
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    (See online at

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