Project Details
Post-translational regulation in the Arabidopsis bZIP factor-controlled gene expression and protein-protein interaction network
Professor Dr. Klaus Harter
Professor Dr. Wolfram Weckwerth
Subject Area
Plant Physiology
from 2007 to 2013
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 33401326
In this part of the project we will work on the function of Arabidopsis group C ZIP factors (mainly bZIP9 and 63) as additional interaction partners for group S1 bZIPs in reprogramming the metabolism in response to environmental conditions (e.g. nutrients, hypoxia, salt stress). We focus particularly on the implications of bZIP63 and bZIP9 phosphorylation with respect to its function as a transcription factor within the C/S1 network. Furthermore, the project aims at identifying in planta target genes of bZIP63 using a ChIP-seq approach and isolating additional, non-bZIP interaction partners of bZIP63 and bZIP9 by using a BiFC-based two-hybrid screen in protoplasts and an ER-based yeast split-ubiquitin screen.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Austria, Netherlands, Spain
Participating Persons
Professor Dr. Sjef Smeekens; Professor Dr. Jesus Vicente-Carbajosa