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SFB 768:  Managing Cycles in Innovation Processes - Integrated Development of Product Service Systems Based on Technical Products

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2008 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 33237764
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The Collaborative Research Centre 768 (CRC 768) "Cycle Management of Innovation Processes - Interlocked Development of Service Bundles based on Technical Products" of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) dealt with the existing design of innovation processes, considering the cyclical influencing factors, to ensure the successful performance of companies on the market. Methods and tools were developed to assist companies in identifying and reacting to internal and external influencing factors. Furthermore, improved methods and tools help to design cycles such as those found in strategic planning, development processes, or production facilities. The CRC 768 pursued the goal of planning and coordinating innovation processes, for which it is necessary to measure process variables, such as the degree to which development goals have been achieved. This is to possibly develop improvement measures or to control changes and their effects at an early stage. The focus was on Product-Service Systems (PSS), which are characterized by numerous dependencies - for example, between subprocesses for service provision, the individual service elements within a PSS, or different product-service system generations. The methods and tools of cycle management of innovation processes combine demand and performance, which is why it was necessary to network the disciplines involved. The aim of the CRC 768 was to identify and present the dependencies within the PSS and to shape their networking actively. In addition to the interlocking of content, cycle management made it possible to synchronize this coordination because the temporal dependencies could be deliberately explored and addressed. In summary, it could be stated that companies can develop more innovative service bundles based on technical products faster, more efficiently, and more flexibly through the cycle management of innovation processes. In the development of the cycle management of innovation processes as a solution approach of the CRC 768, the three-step "Understanding - Modelling - Design" was applied over the three funding periods (FP). The solution approach consisted of all the models, methods, and tools developed in the participating disciplines and their integration. Essential components for finding the results in CRC 768 were the transdisciplinary approach, a close interlocking of the partial results, and the consistent orientation towards the innovation process. These have been reflected in the structure of the subprojects in areas of process fundamentals, solution development, market orientation, and the new project area Integrative Design, which was launched in FP 3. Through the transdisciplinary approach of the innovation processes in CRC 768, the technical, socio-technical, and social perspectives were considered. This is an essential prerequisite for the successful and sustainable development of cycle management. The three steps "understanding" (discipline-specific and overarching understanding of cycles as a foundation), "modeling" (modeling to prepare for interdisciplinary cycle management), "designing" (development of methods and tools for overarching cycle control) were implemented in the three FPs: In the FP 1, the relevant cycles in the innovation process of PSS were identified and characterized, while the subprojects researched the cycles working for the respective discipline concerning their forecast, influenceability, and impact in the innovation process and brought them together across CRCs. This elementary understanding of the cycles was the basis for the modeling and subsequent implementation of the cycle management of innovation processes in the next phases. In FP 2, the identified cycles and cycle-relevant objects were modeled. The focus was on the development of different discipline-specific and interdisciplinary methods and models. The subproject-specific modeling approaches and the individual aspects of the respective disciplines in the innovation process formed the basis for the specification of compatible model interfaces. To prepare the implementation, the interfaces of the models were coordinated and characterized across subprojects. For FP 3, a method- and tool-supported design of the cycle management of innovation processes was successfully developed. With the help of transdisciplinary methods and tools, companies can now design innovative technical PSS more effectively and efficiently. The results, which are visible on the "Gestaltenplattform" (, show how internal and external cycles of PSS work and how they can be actively used and modeled.



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