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Last and current interglacial environments of Kola Peninsula, as reflected in the sediment record of Lake Imandra

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2017 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 323638479
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

Based on a seismic and sediment echo-sounding survey on central Lake Imandra, as well as the multi-disciplinary investigation of two sediment cores recovered from that region, the project reported here has contributed significantly to our understanding of the Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of the Kola Peninsula. Furthermore, it has provided important information on the three-dimension distribution, characteristics and modern contamination of Lake Imandra´s sedimentary infill, which will be helpful for future restoration, ecological management and drinking water extraction. There are no plans for a succeeding project on Lake Imandra, since additional geophysical and geological work on its sedimentary infill would likely complement the results already existing.



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