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Eruptive recurrence and magma accumulation for Quaternary stratovolcanoes in Central Anatolia

Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 321573397
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

Within the Neogene–Quaternary Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (Turkey), Mt. Erciyes and Mt. Hasan are the two most prominent stratovolcanoes. Correlative high spatial resolution U–Th–Pb crystallization ages and trace element abundances for zircon rims and interiors were acquired by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to reconstruct the thermochemical evolution of the underlying magma systems for both volcanoes. Moreover, key stratigraphic units were dated using (U–Th)/He geochronology for the same crystals (zircon double-dating; ZDD) to establish a volcanic chronostratigraphy for both centers. Mt. Hasan is characterized by magmatic and volcanic activity since ca. 550 ka, and predominantly andesitic lava domes and pyroclastics were deposited during this interval. Eruptive recurrence during the late Pleistocene was every ca. 5–15 ka. The onset of activity at Mt. Erciyes was earlier, possibly directly after the deposition of the regionally distributed Valibaba Tepe Ignimbrite (U–Pb zircon crystallization age of 2.73 Ma). Zircon crystallization ages indicate continuous magmatic activity since at least ca. 800 ka. Episodes of scoria cone and lava dome extrusion with associated explosive eruptions occurred at ca. 105 and ca. 88–85 ka. We identified an extended eruptive lull that was followed by an early Holocene eruptive resurgence when four peripheral rhyolitic–dacitic lava domes erupted, three of them with significant initial explosive phases. Their ZDD eruption ages could be refined by improved disequilibrium corrections accounting for intra-grain crystallization age heterogeneity and sequence modeling based on petrological, volcanological, and stratigraphic constraints, suggesting emplacement within a narrow time window of 8.9 ± 0.4 ka (1σ). Dikkartın and Perikartın eruptions are chemically indistinguishable and thus potential sources of the Eastern Mediterranean S1 tephra, an important marker horizon in archaeological and paleoclimate records. Tephra glass major and trace element geochemistry identifies another Mt. Erciyes dome, Karagüllü, as the source of a cryptotephra found in a Black Sea gravity core, calling for a re-evaluation of its age model. Modeling atmospheric tephra transport suggests that the mapped distribution patterns result from either low altitude eolian reworking of proximal deposits, or alternatively co-ignimbrite ash cloud dispersal. Contrasting thermochemical evolution of magma underlying Mt. Hasan and Mt. Erciyes was documented here for the first time. For Mt. Hasan, Ti-in-zircon crystallization temperatures and correlating differentiation indices (Zr/Hf; Eu/Eu*) are largely invariant throughout the last ca. 300 ka. By contrast, Mt. Erciyes displays higher temperatures and more primitive compositions that are associated with its main eruptive episodes, and progressively lower temperatures and more evolved compositions during the intermittent eruptive lull. Thermochemical modeling of zircon crystallization indicates ~1–0.5 km3/ka of near-steady recharge into an upper crustal magma chamber beneath Mt. Hasan, but on average only ~0.1 km3/ka of intensity-modulated magma recharge for Mt. Erciyes. The larger Mt. Hasan magma system may thus continue to produce relatively frequent, small-volume eruptions of comparatively unevolved magma, whereas Mt. Erciyes requires magmatic rejuvenation for reactivation, where more evolved magmas produce explosive eruptions.



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