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TRR 49:  Condensed Matter Systems with Variable Many-Body Interactions

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2007 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 31867626
The understanding of the collective behaviour of large assemblies of interacting quantum objects represents one of the central themes in contemporary physical research. Phenomena such as novel types of superconductivity or interaction-induced insulating states and their relation to other kinds of orders associated with spin-, charge-, orbital- or lattice degrees of freedom continue to pose major challenges to modern physics.The concept of the SFB/TR 49 is to investigate selected phenomena of interacting many-body systems in a broader, less material-specific context under well-controllable conditions. The phenomena to be studied include the Mott metal-insulator transition and the nearby anomalous phases including superconductivity, charge-ordered- or multiferroic insulating states, non-magnetic spin-liquids as well as Bose-Einstein condensates under diverse conditions.These collective states will be explored by using a wide spectrum of materials, ranging from simple model systems such as ultracold atoms and ions or magnon gases to complex quantum magnets and metal-organic solids. All systems have in common a high degree of variability, enabling a systematic materials design to be performed through varying the systems¿ chemical and/or physical parameters.While in the second funding period dynamical properties and the effects of geometric frustration and inhomogeneities have been studied, aspects related to the coupling of the correlated system to lattice degrees of freedom will come to the fore in the third funding period.The SFB/TR 49 benefits from a strong interaction between theory and experiment both in the area of physics and chemistry, and combines the fields of quantum optics and solid state research, which hitherto have had only little overlap. Through its Integrated College for the Advancement of Postgraduate Education, the SFB/TR 49 provides best conditions for the training and promotion of young researchers.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

Completed projects

Participating Institution Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung

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