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Development of MR-based procedures and technologies for non-invasive in-vivo assessment of mechanical loading of tissues: Movement and straining of soft tissue structures using the knee joint as example system

Subject Area Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Term from 2016 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 317627574
Verification and assessment of changes of tissue properties due to physiological or pathological adaption processes require fundamental understanding of the associated stress in vivo for unraveling this mechano-biological coupling. To date, however, analysis of tissue stress in single patients individually while taking into account his or her joint s specific anatomy and kinematics has not become possible yet. Therefore, the aim of this research project is to determine and identify both the stress (strain of soft tissue structures) and its (dynamic) changes during passive and active movement in vivo by using MR-based, dynamic imaging. Choosing the knee joint, we aim to demonstrate exemplarily how joint movement and strain of tissue structures interact. In particular, we are interested to process the image information of soft tissues spanning the knee joint in such a way that the strains serving as a correlate of the acting stress can be visualized and quantified. Monitoring pathological movement patterns together with their strain patterns in vivo and in 3D would then provide for the first time insight into the dynamics of elastic deformation of ligaments, tendons and menisci in the intact joint as well as its modifications in an injured joint (e.g. ACL rupture in young and elderly patients). This patient specific recording would allow proving the paradigm of the mechano-biological coupling with respect to tissue adaptation in specific situations and assessing pathologies, interventions and preventive concepts in vivo.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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