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Multi-parameter determination in practical combustion systems by broadband high-speed absorption spectroscopy

Subject Area Energy Process Engineering
Technical Thermodynamics
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 280430351
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

The main objective of this research project was the development of a sensitive, broadband high-speed absorption spectroscopy measurement system and its use for multi-parameter detection in combustion systems. This goal was fully achieved. A fibre-coupled and transportable high-speed near-infrared spectrometer with a spectral bandwidth of nearly 300 nm and a frame rate of up to 76 kHz was developed, set up and fully characterised. With the measuring system, it is thus possible to investigate combustion processes in a wide pressure and temperature range. In particular, it was possible, among other things, to simultaneously determine the temperature and mass fraction traces of water, methane and carbon dioxide in a Rapid Compression Expansion Machine (RCEM). Preliminary investigations on a stationary high-pressure calibration cell and a high-temperature, high- pressure flow cell provided important insights into the validity of the spectroscopic databases HITEMP and HITRAN used for the evaluation of measurement data. Because these databases have their origins also in atmospheric research significant measurement uncertainties occur here with increasing pressure for individual gas species. Depending on the gas species, this affects the measurement accuracy of the mass fractions in particular, but much less their precision. In the RCEM experiments, the temperature and mass fraction traces of H2O, CH4 and CO2 could be resolved in time at a detection rate of 40 kHz. The temperature measurement precision reached values of less than 5 K and could thus be improved by a factor of almost 10 compared to earlier RCEM combustion experiments. Comparable multi-species measurements based on a single laser light source and a single spectrometer are currently not known. Similar measurement techniques (e.g. frequency comb spectroscopy) have so far achieved similar measurement precision in an RCM using CH4 absorption, but with a temporal resolution that is about 28 times worse. In addition, the single-mode fibre coupling proved to be a unique selling point: in contrast to the generally used multi-mode fibre coupling, no mode noise is induced here, and in addition the fibre connection generally allows an almost independent placement of the measurement technology to the measurement object. A path extension to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity could be realised by an external Herriott multipass cell, which proved to be stable against beam deflections due to the occurring strong refractive index gradients in the RCEM combustion experiments. Further investigations with respect to high-pressure database uncertainties for selected gas species represent only one possible future field of application. For example, the investigation of alternative fuels and combustion processes in the RCEM or on experimental burners can build directly on the current measurement system. Further possible applications arise generally in the investigation of reactive flows, where simultaneous high-speed measurement of temperature and species concentrations is required.



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