Nonlinear superconducting metamaterials
Final Report Abstract
In this project, we studied the nonlinear and quantum properties of superconducting metamaterials. We investigated a variety of arrays of frequency-tunable superconducting microwave resonators comprised of SQUIDs and qubits. In the classical nonlinear regime we were focusing on metamaterials employing conventional Josephson junctions and microwave resonators. Along with this approach, our work involved one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays of SQUIDs as frequencytuneable resonators. We also studied transmission lines in a complicated but very intriguing left-handed setting induced by fixed-frequency resonators. In very interesting quantum regime, we explored SSH qubit chain and studied arrays of frequency-tunable qubits in a waveguide. Over the past several years, largely thanks to our work, superconducting quantum metamaterials comprised of arrays of superconducting qubits evolved into a new research field for fundamental studies in quantum optics, opening a possibility to explore collective quantum dynamics under strong coupling between electromagnetic field and a novel type of media composed of artificial atoms in one-dimensional space.
Imaging collective behavior in an rf-SQUID metamaterial tuned by DC and RF magnetic fields. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 082601 (2019)
A. P. Zhuravel, S. Bae, A. V. Lukashenko, A. S. Averkin, A. V. Ustinov, and S. M. Anlage
Mode structure in superconducting metamaterial transmission-line resonators. Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 054062 (2019)
H. Wang, A. P. Zhuravel, S. Indrajeet, B. G. Taketani, M. D. Hutchings, Y. Hao, F. Rouxinol, F. K. Wilhelm, M. D. LaHaye, A. V. Ustinov, and B. L. T. Plourde
Two-tone spectroscopy of a SQUID metamaterial in the nonlinear regime. Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033096 (2019)
E. I. Kiselev, A. S. Averkin, M. V. Fistul, V. P. Koshelets, and A. V. Ustinov
Topological excitations and bound photon pairs in a superconducting quantum metamaterial. Phys. Rev. B 103, 224520 (2021)
I. S. Besedin, M. A. Gorlach, N. N. Abramov, I. Tsitsilin, I. N. Moskalenko, A. A. Dobronosova, D. O. Moskalev, A. R. Matanin, N. S. Smirnov, I. A. Rodionov, A. N. Poddubny, and A. V. Ustinov
Tunable Anderson localization of dark states, Phys. Rev. B 104, 174202 (2021)
J. D. Brehm, P. Poepperl, A. D. Mirlin, A. Shnirman, A. Stehli, H. Rotzinger, and A. V. Ustinov
Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits. npj Quantum Materials 6, 10 (2021)
J. D. Brehm, A. N. Poddubny, A. Stehli, T. Wolz, H. Rotzinger, and A. V. Ustinov
Slowing down light in a qubit metamaterial
J. D. Brehm, R. Gebauer, A. Stehli, A. N. Poddubny, O. Sander, H. Rotzinger, and A. V. Ustinov