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GRK 468:  Experience of Time and Aesthetical Perception

Subject Area Linguistics
Term from 1998 to 2007
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 272579
The research training group intends to combine contributions concerning issues of culture, history of the media and history of aesthetics within the disciplines of theater studies, film studies, media studies, literary criticism, musicology, history of art and social sciences. It is focused on the theory of time and aesthetics and aims at the connection of individual studies. Its goal is to counterbalance thereby the - be it euphorically be it apocalyptically accentuated - global diagnosis of the latest developments. It wishes to contribute to the genealogy of the age of the media and its aesthetics in an intermedial and comparative way.Parts of its research program are the examination of time images, of different dramaturgies of time and of the aesthetic way of dealing with a changing experience of time in three historical periods of the history of the occident: "postmodernism" (from 1960), historical avantgarde (1880 - 1930), 18th century (enlightenment, classicism, romantics). Starting out from the actual development which at the same time is put into question, this program is supposed to reassure us about the history of this development within the frame of a history of the media and of perception.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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