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GRK 278:  Perception of Gender Difference in Religious Symbolic Systems

Subject Area Theology
Term from 1998 to 2007
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271565
The title of the program covers the question of construction and representation of gender difference in religious symbolic systems, the question of its interaction with social reality and historic determination. According to the composition of the participating departments, the research training group chose as scientific approach the symbolic-constructivistic and historic aspect of gender difference. Conceptions of "female" and "male" as they are represented in symbolic systems are to be related to and interpreted by the reality of life of women and men. Besides the investigation of cultural prescribed gender difference, the observation of the interaction of social and political realities with the individual behavior of humans is included in the research. It is intended to explicitly show the relationship of the carriers of gender difference (women and men) to its constructions. For this purpose it is required to explorate the reality of life for women. Fundamental theoretical questions are approached by the systematic professions. The cultural sciences are able to pick up the horizon of questions in modernity and to describe the understanding of gender difference in the particular cultures and historical epochs. Knowingly the research group opens a room for discussion for women and men, for this discussion itself sharpens the perception of the way of looking at the problem.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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