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SFB 1187:  Media of Cooperation

Subject Area Social and Behavioural Sciences
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Term since 2016
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 262513311
The CRC 1187 "Media of Cooperation" explores the emergence, design and use of digital, data-intensive media and understands them as cooperatively accomplished means of cooperation. Its aim is to conduct basic digital research by focusing on practices that emerge through media as well as media that emerge through practices, and by considering them symmetrically. Since its establishment in 2016, the CRC has contributed towards a praxeological reorientation of digital media research that mediates between history and the present and designs future digital media. In its first funding phase, the CRC's research approach contributed to media research by shifting the focus from 'single media' to the analysis of distributed media and empirically explored cooperation with and without consensus. In its second phase, the CRC focused on the role of data in cooperative media and advanced a praxeological contribution to ongoing debates on datafication and big data. In the proposed third funding phase, the CRC will focus on the role of cooperation in the context of sensory media, which are characterized by ubiquitous sensor-data collection and semi-autonomous data processing (through artificial intelligence). Sensory media collect data about everyday practices in the smart home, measure bodies through wearables or calculate environments in autonomous driving. Decision making increasingly sinks into computerised infrastructures in the context of agential sensory media. Public discourse therefore tends to frame them as a threat to digital sovereignty and human agency. The CRC counters this with its focus on reciprocity: sensory media and AI entangle bodies and data, media and environments, human and non-human agents reciprocally, but not symmetrically. Against this background, the CRC will advance its account of media and cooperation and inquire, how sensory media are reconfiguring our living and working worlds and how they are becoming increasingly controversial. Since the first funding phase, the CRC has contributed to method development and methodological reflexion in interdisciplinary media research. Its guiding principle is the concept of inventive methods, that is the creative combination and inventive adaptation of methods to the phenom-na of investigation and involves combing ethnographic, historiographic, digital, design and sensory methods. In the third phase, the CRC will advance the notion of public relations work towards researching cooperatively with relevant publics. The research programme is realized in interdisciplinary cooperation between media studies, sociology, (socio)informatics, ethnology, ubiquitous computing, linguistics, education, science and technology studies, law and workplace studies. In this way, the CRC offers a mobile research programme that is able to account for ubiquitous datafication and artificial sense-making and offers a socio-technical account of cooperative sensory media.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection Luxembourg, Switzerland

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Applicant Institution Universität Siegen
Spokespersons Professorin Dr. Carolin Gerlitz, since 10/2022; Professor Dr. Erhard Schüttpelz, until 9/2018; Professor Dr. Tristan Thielmann, from 12/2019 until 10/2022

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