Bisenzio. Multi-disciplinary research on a major Etruscan centre from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic Period.
Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartography
Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
Final Report Abstract
This DFG Research Project has been investigating with new methods the region of the Bisenzio Hill rising on the SW shore of the Bolsena Lake, north of the town Capodimonte (Viterbo – Lazio). At this location, a settlement prospered between the 10th c. and the early 5th c. BC. Even if Bisenzio acted as a major hub in inner Southern Etruria, a systematic study is still lacking. Not only the goals described in the first application have been largely achieved, more interestingly the outcomes surpassed the expectations by miles. Actually, a system of arterial and collector roads, as well as remnants of residential areas (one majestic building on ‘Colel Palazzetta’) have been clearly documented. Besides, at least 50-60 funerary mounds more have been localized, while only two were known. What is more, the intra-site survey canvassed the diachronic and spatial development of the Bisenzio settlement, and made it possible to comment on the different functions of the buildings. Finally, the analysis of the evidence from the old investigations made it possible to set up a chrono-typological sequence of the material culture and sheds light onto the networks connecting the Bisenzio district with the neighbouring-ones. All of the above strengthens the grounds for continuing with the research. In fact a variety of investigations can be planned. The field-walking activities would be brought to an end and would canvass the urban fabric and its evolution over time. A minimal invasive archaeological excavation within the settlement area would offer a fundamental chronological picture of the interesting results gleaned from both the geophysical prospections and the survey. An aerophotogrammetric cartography and a LIDAR relief (DTM) would be completed to provide mapping of the land surface in the presence of dense vegetation. A cutting-edge and international task force would carry out a landscape, subsistence & climate change analysis to sketch out the vegetation cover, the variety of crops and animals, with the aim to offer relevant pieces of information about production, social and demographic dynamics between mainly Bronze and Early Iron Age. Finally, thanks to a multidisciplinary team, the likely residential and funerary contexts still preserved on the lake bed will be investigated, and a more complete overview of the Bisenzio settlement, from a time when the water level of the lake was up to 8 m lower (i.e. earlier than the 8th century BC), will be canvassed. The DFG Project is already generating a real revolution not only with reference to the interpretation of the Bisenzio community, but also in the way we interpret both the historical processes taking place in Southern Etruria and the networks connecting this district with the neighbouring-ones. Finally, it ensures the recording and likely preservation of a cultural heritage before it disappears due to the deep ploughing activities, and to the tomb robbing activities. “Bisenzio Multi-disciplinary research on a major Etruscan centre from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic period", TV report on the national public broadcast company RAI3 - 20th Juli 2017; 02:00 PM regional news, from minute 15:08 onwards "Bisenzio. Multi-disciplinary research on a major Etruscan centre from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic period", Documentary Interview on RTUA (Orvieto - Italy), 1 July 2015 "Früh übt sich", article, 25 July 2017 ( "Progetto Bisenzio: il resoconto della Campagna di ricognizione 2016", article, 9 November 2016 (
Project ‚Bisenzio‘ (Capodimonte - VT, Italy). Report of research activities, 2015-2016. In BABESCH Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology 94, 2019
A. Babbi, F. Delpino, P. M. Guarino, M. Lucarini, F. Miketta, H. Schiel, I. Trinks
Bisenzio between proto-history and the archaic period: the Research Project, in Annali della Fondazione per il Museo «Claudio Faina», XXIII, 2016, 169-186
A. Babbi
The Bisenzio Project: preliminary results of the first year research, in Geosciences on a changing planet: learning from the past, exploring the future. 88° Congresso Società Geologica Italiana (Napoli, 7-9 settembre 2016)
A. Babbi, P. M. Guarino, M. Lucarini
“Progetto multidisciplinare Bisenzio” [Text in English], Etruscan News 18, 2016, 12
A. Babbi