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Science and applications of electron wave-functions shaped and manipulated by engineered nanoholograms

Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Term from 2014 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 245856282
This proposal is based on a pioneering conceptual and technological research capability, acquired recently by the Israeli research team, combined with a complementary front-line expertise and with most advanced experimental facilities of the collaborating German partners. The TAU team has mastered recently a unique capability to shape and manipulate the quantum wave-function of free-electrons by engineered nano-holograms, prepared by nano-fabrication techniques such as focused-ion-beam milling. This capability was recently demonstrated using the TAU 200keV transmission electron microscope, generating for the first time a self-accelerating electron Airy beam [1]. Earlier work [2, 3] demonstrated that in addition to the shape of the electron beam, other properties of wave-functions – such as angular momentum – can be pre-assigned and engineered. This new capability of generating, shaping and controlling the electron wave-function using engineered nano-fabricated masks is expected to have revolutionary implications to the field of electron microscopy – new schemes of electron wave interferometers, novel tools for studying interactions of shaped electron beams with materials and new possibilities for aberration correction, which may enable to set new limits for the microscope resolution. Moreover, the ability to generate new forms of electron wave-functions, very different from the atomic electron wave-functions that are found in nature (including splitting and recombining waveforms) enables to study and hopefully to discover new fundamental physical effects that involve the interaction of such pre-designed quantum wave-functions with electric and magnetic fields and with radiation. To take advantage of this most recent conceptual innovation in physics and technology we present an exceptional German-Israeli collaboration team that includes the most advanced and relevant experts in the disciplines of electron-microscopy, quantum electronics and light optics. On the German side this includes world-leading electron microscopy scientists: Prof. Urban (who won the 2011 Wolf prize in physics for his ground-breaking work on the development of aberration corrected electron microscope), Prof. Dunin-Borkowski, Prof. Lichte and the prominent quantum-electronics expert – Prof. Schleich. The Israeli team that developed the proposed new concept in TAU: Prof. Arie, Prof. Gover and Dr. Lereah, will be reinforced by the expertise of one of the most prominent Israeli scientists – Prof. Yakir Aharonov, who will provide deep insight into the new physics options and effects that can be studied and discovered with the new technological capabilities. Besides the existing technological facilities in TAU, this joint project will provide access to highly advanced electron microscope facilities, in particular to the Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons in Juelich, which is the German national user facility for electron microscopy research, as well as the well known Triebenberg Laborartory for electron microscopy and holography of the Technische Universität Dresden. We expect to have highly productive collaboration, based on joint design of experiments, followed by fabrication of electron optics elements at the TAU Nano Center and testing the devices in the advanced electron microscope facility in Juelich and Dresden.
DFG Programme DIP Programme
International Connection Israel
Major Instrumentation Upgrade TEM,

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