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Piezo-Polymer Actuators for Polymeric Microfluidic Systems

Subject Area Microsystems
Term from 2014 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 245369224
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The project has been started as a successor of a previous DFG project on the same subject. Its main idea was to further study and exploit the characteristics of a novel bending-buckling piezoactuator that has not been used in microfluidics so far. For that, a micropump based on this actuator should be designed, modeled in-deep, fabricated and thoroughly tested. As a main result of the project a novel micropump concept, the so-called Deformable Valve Pump or DVP has been found, realized and tested. This micropump offers the capability of high flowrates at low size, a much lower device complexity when compare with other micropumps, an easier fabrication and an overall high robustness and reliability. Self-filling capabilities and bubble tolerance are achieved through the high stroke of the bending-buckling actuator in use. Moreover, this micropump is also a microvalve with a high fluidic throughput (up to several l/min in pneumatic applications) and relatively high closure pressures (up to 6 bars can be demonstrated). This feature is not known so far for microfluidic devices of that size (below 10 cm³). The project will be continued with the successful acquisition of a BMWi project named “muVaP”, with the aim of funding a start-up company for the design, fabrication and marketing of micropumps and microvalves. Corresponding IP has been generated through two patent applications.



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