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GSC 4:  Molecular Cell Research in Biology and Medicine (MOBILMED)

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term from 2006 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24040252
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The main goal of SGBM was to create an excellent PhD program driven by Internationality, Interdisciplinarity, Intellectual Advancement and Innovation (4 Is). Over the two funding periods, about 40% of the doctoral researchers were international originating from 38 different countries (Internationality). They graduated in 7 different research areas which have been connected by monthly reunions, yearly retreats, own guest speaker seminars and a multidisciplinary module per year (Interdiscplinarity). In addition to 90% bench work yielding 478 publications, the doctoral researchers have been trained in soft skills, methods, didactics and teaching courses. They supervised undergraduate students and attended conferences and short research stays in collaborating labs worldwide (Intellectual Advancement). SGBM has become the flagship of doctoral training at the University of Freiburg by setting new standards for stricter selection and better supervision and mentoring of doctoral researchers. It implemented for the first time MD/PhD, Fast-Track and industry mentoring programs and ensured a better support for the PhD-Postdoc transition and family/child care (Innovation). Out of 195 recruited researchers 12 dropped out for various reasons. The rest finished with excellent distinctions, published at least 1 first author and on average 2 co-authorship papers in high impact journals and finished their PhD in roughly 4 years. The 129 alumni got high profile postdoc or scientist jobs in academia, industry, clinics and the publishing sector worldwide. Roughly 25% of them are already in leading positions (managers, junior professors, etc). The success of SGBM, as measured by publication output, interdisciplinary education and embarking on excellent career paths, is based on 4 pillars: (i) rigorous selection of doctoral researchers, (ii) controlled supervision, (iii) broad curriculum with mandatory and facultative courses and (iv) academic and industry career mentoring. The exclusiveness of SGBM has been to advertise own funded PhD positions (Track-1), which attracted the best scientists who could choose and shape their own research project. This intellectual advancement of doctoral training shall be maintained by acquiring positions from industrial partners, foundations, beneficiary events and the State BW/University. The future goal of SGBM will be to offer the incorporation of doctoral researchers from Life Science CRC programs (CRC-Track) and support SGBM PIs to find excellent doctoral researchers for their own research grants (Track-2). This principle has already been implemented for the doctoral researchers of the excellence cluster CIBSS (CIBSS-Track). For the RTGs, SGBM will offer to assist in the recruitment and course organization and survey the standards of supervision and mentoring. However, RTGs will remain own graduate education identities. Like that, provided that the faculties support this development, SGBM shall broaden its scope of excellent structural doctoral training in the area of Life Sciences at the University of Freiburg.

Link to the final report


  • AML1 is overexpressed in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms and mediates JAK2V617F-independent overexpression of NF-E2. Blood (2010) 116:254-266
    Wang W, Schwemmers S, Hexner EO, Pahl HL
    (See online at
  • A hypomorphic mouse model of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa reveals mechanisms of disease and response to fibroblast therapy. J Clin Invest. 2008 May;118(5):1669-79
    Fritsch A, Loeckermann S, Kern JS, Braun A, Bösl MR, Bley TA, Schumann H, von Elverfeldt D, Paul D, Erlacher M, Berens von Rautentenfeld D, Hausser I, Fässler R, Bruckner-Tuderman L
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  • Analysis of CD8+ T-Cell–Mediated Inhibition of Hepatitis C Virus Replication Using a Novel Immunological Model. Gastroenterology 2009 Apr;136(4):1391-401
    Jo J, Aichele U, Kersting N, Klein R, Aichele P, Bisse E, Sewell AK, Blum HE, Bartenschlager R, Lohmann V, Thimme R
    (See online at
  • RORgammat and commensal microflora are required for the differentiation of mucosal interleukin 22-producing NKp46+ cells. Nature Immunology 2009 Jan;10(1):83-91
    Sanos SL, Bui VL, Mortha A, Oberle K, Johner C, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Alternative splicing of Tcf7l2 transcripts generates protein variants with differential promoter-binding and transcriptional activation properties at Wnt/ß-catenin targets. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Apr;38(6):1964-81
    Weise A, Bruser K, Elfert S, Wallmen B, Wittel Y, Wöhrle S, Hecht A
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  • Control of Dpp morphogen signalling by a secreted feedback regulator. Nat. Cell Biol. 2010 Jun;12(6):611-7
    Vuilleumier R, Springhorn A, Patterson L, Koidl S, Hammerschmidt M, Affolter M, Pyrowolakis G
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  • Emerging functions for plant MAP kinase phosphatases. Trends Plant Sci 2010 Jun;15(6):322-9
    Bartels S, González Besteiro MA, Lang D, Ulm R
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  • Myeloid progenitor cells lacking p53 exhibit delayed upregulation of Puma and prolonged survival after cytokine deprivation. Blood (2010) 115(2):344-52
    Jabbour AM, Daunt CP, Green BD, Vogel S, Gordon L, Lee RS, Silke N, Pearson RB, Vandenberg CJ, Kelly PN, Nutt SL, Strasser A, Borner C, Ekert PG
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  • N-linked glycosylation selectively regulates autonomous precursor BCR function. Nature Immunology 2010 Aug;11(8):759-65
    Ubelhart R, Bach MP, Eschbach C, Wossning T, Reth M, Jumaa H
    (See online at
  • Regulated expression of nuclear receptor ROR gamma T confers distinct functional fates to NK cell receptorexpressing ROR gamma T(+) innate lymphocytes. Immunity (2010) 33(5):736-51
    Vonarbourg C, Mortha A, Bui VL, Hernandez PP, Kiss EA, Hoyler T, Flach M, Bengsch B, Thimme R, Hölscher C, Hönig M, Pannicke U, Schwarz K, Ware CF, Finke D, Diefenbach A
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  • Ribavirin ante portas: uptake transporters into hepatocytes dissected. J Hepatol. (2010) 52(4):469-71
    Bengsch B, Thimme R
    (See online at
  • TRAF5 Deficiency Accelerates Atherogenesis in Mice by Increasing Inflammatory Cell Recruitment and Foam Cell Formation. Circ Res 2010 Sep 17;107(6):757-66
    Missiou A, Rudolf P, Stachon P, Wolf D, Varo N, Aichele P, Colberg C, Hoppe N, Ernst S, Münkel C, Walter C, Sommer B, Hilgendorf I, Nakano H, Bode C, Zirlik A
    (See online at
  • Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 1 (TRAF1) deficiency attenuates atherosclerosis in mice by impairing monocyte recruitment to the vessel wall. Circulation 2010 May 11;121(18):2033-44
    Missiou A, Köstlin N, Varo N, Rudolf P, Aichele P, Ernst S, Münkel C, Walter C, Stachon P, Sommer B, Pfeifer D, Zirlik K, MacFarlane L, Wolf D, Tsitsikov E, Bode C, Libby P, Zirlik A
    (See online at
  • B cell-helper neutrophils stimulate the diversification and production of immunoglobulin in the marginal zone of the spleen. Nat Immunol. (2011) 13(2):170-80
    Puga I, Cols M, Barra CM, He B, Cassis L, Gentile M, Comerma L, Chorny A, Shan M, Xu W, Magri G, Knowles DM, Tam W, Chiu A, Bussel JB, Serrano S, Lorente JA, Bellosillo B, Lloreta J, Juanpere N, Alameda F, Baró T, de Heredia CD, Torán N, Català A, Torrebadell M, Fortuny C, Cusí V, Carreras C, Diaz GA, Blander JM, Farber CM, Silvestri G, Cunningham-Rundles C, Calvillo M, Dufour C, Notarangelo LD, Lougaris V, Plebani A, Casanova JL, Ganal SC, Diefenbach A, Aróstegui JI, Juan M, Yagüe J, Mahlaoui N, Donadieu J, Chen K, Cerutti A
    (See online at
  • Conditional DNA-Protein Interactions Confer Stimulus-Sensing Properties to Biohybrid Materials. Adv. Funct. Mater 2011;21(15):2861–7
    Christen EH, Karlsson M, Kämpf MM, Schoenmakers R, Gübeli RJ, Wischhusen HM, Friedrich C, Fussenegger M, Weber W
    (See online at
  • Nanodomain coupling between Ca²⁺ channels and sensors of exocytosis at fast mammalian synapses. Nat Rev Neurosci. (2011) 13(1):7-21
    Eggermann E, Bucurenciu I, Goswami SP, Jonas P
    (See online at
  • Natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands control organogenesis of intestinal lymphoid follicles. Science (2011) 334(6062):1561-5
    Kiss EA, Vonarbourg C, Kopfmann S, Hobeika E, Finke D, Esser C, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Regulation of Mitochondrial Protein Import by Cytosolic Kinases, Cell (2011) 144(2):227-39
    Schmidt O, Harbauer AB, Rao S, Eyrich B, Zahedi RP, Stojanovski D, Schönfisch B, Guiard B, Sickmann A, Pfanner N, Meisinger C
    (See online at
  • Role of mTOR in podocyte function and diabetic nephropathy in humans and mice. J Clin Invest. 2011 Jun 1;121(6)
    Gödel M, Hartleben B, Herbach N, Lu S, Debreczeni-Mór A, Liu S, Lindenmeyer MT, Rastaldi MP, Hartleben G, Wiech T, Fornoni A, Nelson RG, Kretzler M, Wanke R, Pavenstädt H, Kerjaschki D, Cohen CD, Hall MN, Rüegg MA, Inoki K, Walz G, Huber TB
    (See online at
  • The ZEB1/miR-200 feedback loop controls Notch signalling in cancer cells. EMBO J (2011) 30(4):770-82
    Brabletz S, Bajdak K, Meidhof S, Burk U, Niedermann G, Firat E, Wellner U, Dimmler A, Faller G, Schubert J, Brabletz T
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  • A novel murine model of myeloproliferative disorders generated by overexpression of the transcription factor NF-E2. J Exp Med. 2012 Jan 16;209(1):35-50
    Kaufmann KB, Gründer A, Hadlich T, Wehrle J, Gothwal M, Bogeska R, Seeger TS, Kayser S, Pham KB, Jutzi JS, Ganzenmüller L, Steinemann D, Schlegelberger B, Wagner JM, Jung M, Will B, Steidl U, Aumann K, Werner M, Günther T, Schüle R, Rambaldi A, Pahl HL
    (See online at
  • A transcription factor-based mechanism for mouse heterochromatin formation. Nat Struct Mol Biol. (2012) 19(10):1023-30
    Bulut-Karslioglu A, Perrera V, Scaranaro M, de la Rosa-Velazquez IA, van de Nobelen S, Shukeir N, Popow J, Gerle B, Opravil S, Pagani M, Meidhof S, Brabletz T, Manke T, Lachner M, Jenuwein T
    (See online at
  • Autophagy plays a critical role in kidney tubule maintenance, aging and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Autophagy May 2012 Volume 8, Issue 5
    Liu S, Hartleben B, Kretz O, Wiech T, Igarashi P, Mizushima N, Walz G, Huber TB
    (See online at
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is driven by antigen-independent cell-autonomous signalling. Nature (2012) 489(7415):309-12
    Dühren-von Minden M, Übelhart R, Schneider D, Wossning T, Bach MP, Buchner M, Hofmann D, Surova E, Follo M, Köhler F, Wardemann H, Zirlik K, Veelken H & Jumaa H
    (See online at
  • Distinct requirement for an intact dimer interface in wild-type, V600E and kinasedead B-Raf signalling. EMBO J. (2012) 31, 2629 – 2647
    Röring M. Herr R, Fiala GJ, Heilmann K, Braun S, Eisenhardt AE, Halbach S, Capper D, von Deimling A, Schamel WW, et al.
    (See online at
  • Gab2 signaling in chronic myeloid leukemia cells confers resistance to multiple Bcr-Abl inhibitors. Leukemia. (2012) 27(1):118-29
    Wöhrle FU, Halbach S, Aumann K, Schwemmers S, Braun S, Auberger P, Schramek D, Penninger JM, Laßmann S, Werner M, Waller CF, Pahl HL, Zeiser R, Daly RJ, Brummer T
    (See online at
  • Intrinsic properties of Tcf1 and Tcf4 splice variants determine celltype-specific Wnt/β-catenin target gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug 2
    Wallmen B, Schrempp M, Hecht A
    (See online at
  • Low perforin expression of early differentiated HCV-specific CD8+ T cells limits their hepatotoxic potential. J Hepatol. (2012) 57(1):9-16
    Jo J, Bengsch B, Seigel B, Rau S, Schmidt J, Bisse E, Aichele P, Aichele U, Joeckel L, Royer K, Sá Ferreira K, Borner C, Baumert TF, Blum HE, Lohmann V, Fischer R, and Thimme R
    (See online at
  • Priming of Natural Killer Cells by Nonmucosal Mononuclear Phagocytes Requires Instructive Signals from Commensal Microbiota. Immunity (2012) 37, 1–16
    Ganal SC, Sanos SL, Kallfass C, Oberle K, Johner C, Kirschning C, Lienenklaus S, Weiss S, Staeheli P, Aichele P, and Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Purinergic P2Y2 receptors promote neutrophil infiltration and hepatocyte death in mice with acute liver injury. Gastroenterology (2012) 143:1620-1629
    Ayata CK, Ganal SC, Hockenjos B, Willim K, Vieira RP, Grimm M, Robaye B, Boeynaems JM, Di Virgilio F, Pellegatti P, Diefenbach A, Idzko M, Hasselblatt P
    (See online at
  • Synthetic mammalian gene networks as a blueprint for the design of interactive biohybrid materials. Chem Soc Rev. 2012 Feb 7;41(3):1000-18
    Jakobus K, Wend S, Weber W
    (See online at
  • The Transcription Factor GATA-3 Controls Cell Fate and Maintenance of Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells. Immunity. (2012) 37(4):634-48
    Hoyler T, Klose CS, Souabni A, Turqueti-Neves A, Pfeifer D, Rawlins EL, Voehringer D, Busslinger M, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • A T-bet gradient controls the fate and function of CCR6-RORγt+ innate lymphoid cells. Nature. (2013) 494(7436):261-5
    Klose CS, Kiss EA, Schwierzeck V, Ebert K, Hoyler T, d'Hargues Y, Göppert N, Croxford AL, Waisman A, Tanriver Y, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • ANKS6 is a central component of a nephronophthisis module linking NEK8 to INVS and NPHP3. Nat Genet. (2013) 45(8):951-6
    Hoff S, Halbritter J, Epting D, Frank V, Nguyen TM, van Reeuwijk J, Boehlke C, Schell C, Yasunaga T, Helmstädter M, Mergen M, Filhol E, Boldt K, Horn N, Ueffing M, Otto EA, Eisenberger T, Elting MW, van Wijk JA, Bockenhauer D, Sebire NJ, Rittig S, Vyberg M, Ring T, Pohl M, Pape L, Neuhaus TJ, Elshakhs NA, Koon SJ, Harris PC, Grahammer F, Huber TB, Kuehn EW, Kramer-Zucker A, Bolz HJ, Roepman R, Saunier S, Walz G, Hildebrandt F, Bergmann C, Lienkamp SS
    (See online at
  • Behavioural and genetic analyses of Nasonia shed light on the evolution of sex pheromones. Nature. (2013) 494(7437):345-8
    Niehuis O, Buellesbach J, Gibson JD, Pothmann D, Hanner C, Mutti NS, Judson AK, Gadau J, Ruther J, Schmitt T
    (See online at
  • Coupling of mitochondrial import and export translocases by receptor-mediated supercomplex formation. Cell (2013) 154, 596–608
    Qiu, J., Wenz, L.S., Zerbes, R.M., Oeljeklaus, S., Bohnert, M., Stroud, D.A., Wirth, C., Ellenrieder, L., Thornton, N., Kutik, S., Wiese, S., Schulze-Specking, A., Zufall, N., Chacinska, A., Guiard, B., Hunte, C., Warscheid, B., van der Laan, M., Pfanner, N., Wiedemann, N., and Becker, T.
    (See online at
  • Endonuclease G mediates α-synuclein cytotoxicity during Parkinson's disease. EMBO J. (2013) 32(23):3041-54
    Büttner S, Habernig L, Broeskamp F, Ruli D, Vögtle FN, Vlachos M, Macchi F, Küttner V, Carmona- Gutierrez D, Eisenberg T, Ring J, Markaki M, Taskin AA, Benke S, Ruckenstuhl C, Braun R, Van den Haute C, Bammens T, van der Perren A, Fröhlich KU, Winderickx J, Kroemer G, Baekelandt V, Tavernarakis N, Kovacs GG, Dengjel J, Meisinger C, Sigrist SJ, Madeo F
    (See online at
  • Glucose-Induced Regulation of Protein Import Receptor Tom22 by Cytosolic and Mitochondria-Bound Kinases (2013) Cell Metabolism, Volume 18, Issue 4, 578-587
    Carolin Gerbeth, Oliver Schmidt, Sanjana Rao, Angelika B. Harbauer, Despina Mikropoulou, Magdalena Opalińska, Bernard Guiard, Nikolaus Pfanner, and Chris Meisinger
    (See online at
  • Immunodominance and functional alterations of tumor-associated antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. (2013) 59(4):1415-26
    Flecken T, Schmidt N, Hild S, Gostick E, Drognitz O, Zeiser R, Schemmer P, Bruns H, Eiermann T, Price DA, Blum HE, Neumann-Haefelin C, Thimme R
    (See online at
  • Inhibition of mTORC1 by Astrin and Stress Granules Prevents Apoptosis in Cancer Cells. Cell (2013) 154(4): 859‐874
    Thedieck K, Holzwarth B, Prentzell MT, Boehlke C, Kläsener K, Ruf S, Sonntag AG, Maerz L, Grellscheid SN, Kremmer E, Nitschke R, Kuehn EW, Jonker JW, Groen AK, Reth M, Hall MN, Baumeister R
    (See online at
  • Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) as a novel target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. (2013) 122(9):1621-33
    Yaktapour N, Ubelhart R, Schüler J, Aumann K, Dierks C, Burger M, Pfeifer D, Jumaa H, Veelken H, Brummer T, Zirlik K
    (See online at
  • Synthetic biology for mammalian cell technology and materials sciences. Biotechnol Adv. 2013 Jan-Feb;31(1):68-78
    Gübeli RJ, Burger K, Weber W
    (See online at
  • The class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase PIK3C3/VPS34 regulates endocytosis and autophagosome-autolysosome formation in podocytes. Autophagy. 2013 Jul;9(7):1097-9
    Bechtel W, Helmstädter M, Balica J, Hartleben B, Schell C, Huber TB
    (See online at
  • The podocyte slit diaphragm-from a thin grey line to a complex signalling hub. Nat Rev Nephrol. (2013) 9(10):587-98
    Grahammer F, Schell C, Huber TB
    (See online at
  • A common single nucleotide polymorphism impairs B-cell 4 activating factor receptor's multimerization, contributing to common variable immunodeficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Apr;133(4):1222-1225.e10
    Pieper K, Rizzi M, Speletas M, Smulski CR, Sic H, Kraus H, Salzer U, Fiala GJ, Schamel WW, Lougaris V, Plebani A, Hammarstrom L, Recher M, Germenis AE, Grimbacher B, Warnatz K, Rolink AG, Schneider P, Notarangelo LD, Eibel H
    (See online at
  • Amyloid-β Peptide Induces Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Inhibition of Preprotein Maturation. Cell Metab. (2014) 20(4):662-9
    Mossmann D, Vögtle FN, Taskin AA, Teixeira PF, Ring J, Burkhart JM, Burger N, Pinho CM, Tadic J, Loreth D, Graff C, Metzger F, Sickmann A, Kretz O, Wiedemann N, Zahedi RP, Madeo F, Glaser E, Meisinger C
    (See online at
  • An infectious bat-derived chimeric influenza virus harbouring the entry machinery of an influenza A virus. Nat Commun. (2014) 5:4448
    Juozapaitis M, Aguiar Moreira E, Mena I, Giese S, Riegger D, Pohlmann A, Höper D, Zimmer G, Beer M, García-Sastre A, Schwemmle M
    (See online at
  • Autosomal dominant immune dysregulation syndrome in humans with CTLA4 mutations. Nat Med. (2014) 20(12):1410-6
    Schubert D, Bode C, Kenefeck R, Hou TZ, Wing JB, Kennedy A, Bulashevska A, Petersen BS, Schäffer AA, Grüning BA, Unger S, Frede N, Baumann U, Witte T, Schmidt RE, Dueckers G, Niehues T, Seneviratne S, Kanariou M, Speckmann C, Ehl S, Rensing-Ehl A, Warnatz K, Rakhmanov M, Thimme R, Hasselblatt P, Emmerich F, Cathomen T, Backofen R, Fisch P, Seidl M, May A, Schmitt-Graeff A, Ikemizu S, Salzer U, Franke A, Sakaguchi S, Walker LS, Sansom DM, Grimbacher B
    (See online at
  • Cell cycle–dependent regulation of mitochondrial preprotein translocase. Science (2014) 346:6213, 1109-1113
    Harbauer AB, Opalińska M, Gerbeth C, Herman JS, Rao S, Schönfisch B, Guiard B, Schmidt O, Pfanner N, Meisinger C
    (See online at
  • MiR-146a regulates the TRAF6/TNF-axis in donor T cells during GvHD. Blood. (2014) 124(16):2586-95
    Stickel N, Prinz G, Pfeifer D, Hasselblatt P, Schmitt-Graeff A, Follo M, Thimme R, Finke J, Duyster J, Salzer U, Zeiser R
    (See online at
  • Neutrophil granulocytes recruited upon translocation of intestinal bacteria enhance graft-versus-host disease via tissue damage. Nat Med. (2014) 20(6):648-54
    Schwab L, Goroncy L, Palaniyandi S, Gautam S, Triantafyllopoulou A, Mocsai A, Reichardt W, Karlsson FJ, Radhakrishnan SV, Hanke K, Schmitt-Graeff A, Freudenberg M, von Loewenich FD, Wolf P, Leonhardt F, Baxan N, Pfeifer D, Schmah O, Schönle A, Martin SF, Mertelsmann R, Duyster J, Finke J, Prinz M, Henneke P, Häcker H, Hildebrandt GC, Häcker G, Zeiser R
    (See online at
  • Restoration of HBV-specific CD8+ T-cell function by PD-1 blockade in inactive carrier patients is linked to T-cell differentiation. J Hepatol. 2014 Jul 9. pii: S0168- 8278(14)00473-5
    Bengsch B, Martin B, Thimme R
    (See online at
  • Activation loop phosphorylation regulates B‐Raf in vivo and transformation by B‐Raf mutants. The EMBO Journal (2015) 18;35(2):143-61
    Köhler M, Röring M, Schorch B, Heilmann K, Stickel N, Fiala GJ, Schmitt LC, Braun S, Ehrenfeld S, Uhl FM, Kaltenbacher T, Weinberg F, Herzog S, Zeiser R, Schamel WW, Jumaa H, Brummer T
    (See online at
  • Cyclin O (Ccno) functions during deuterosome-mediated centriole amplification of multiciliated cells. EMBO J. 2015 Apr 15;34(8):1078-89
    Funk MC, Bera AN, Menchen T, Kuales G, Thriene K, Lienkamp SS, Dengjel J, Omran H, Frank M, Arnold SJ
    (See online at
  • Differential retrotranslocation of mitochondrial Bax and Bak. EMBO J. (2015) 34:67-80
    Todt F, Cakir Z, Reichenbach F, Emschermann F, Lauterwasser J, Kaiser A, Ichim G, Tait SWG, Frank S, Langer HF and Edlich F
    (See online at
  • Host microbiota constantly control maturation and function of microglia in the CNS. Nat Neurosci. (2015) 18(7):965-77
    Erny D, Hrabě de Angelis AL, Jaitin D, Wieghofer P, Staszewski O, David E, Keren-Shaul H, Mahlakoiv T, Jakobshagen K, Buch T, Schwierzeck V, Utermöhlen O, Chun E, Garrett WS, McCoy KD, Diefenbach A, Staeheli P, Stecher B, Amit I, Prinz M
    (See online at
  • Initial assembly steps of a translocase for folded proteins. Nat Commun (2015) 6:7234
    Blümmel AS, Haag LA, Eimer E, Müller M & Fröbel J
    (See online at
  • Interferon-λ and interleukin 22 act synergistically for the induction of interferon-stimulated genes and control of rotavirus infection. Nat Immunol. (2015) 16(7):698-707
    Hernández PP, Mahlakõiv T, Yang I, Schwierzeck V, Nguyen N, Guendel F, Gronke K, Ryffel B, Hölscher C, Dumoutier L, Renauld JC, Suerbaum S, Staeheli P, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Kidins220/ARMS binds to the B cell antigen receptor and regulates B cell development and activation. J Exp Med. 2015 Sep 21;212(10):1693-708
    Fiala GJ, Janowska I, Prutek F, Hobeika E, Satapathy A, Sprenger A, Plum T, Seidl M, Dengjel J, Reth M, Cesca F, Brummer T, Minguet S, Schamel WW
    (See online at
  • Lectins from opportunistic bacteria interact with acquired variable-region glycans of surface immunoglobulin in follicular lymphoma. Blood. (2015) 125(21):3287-96
    Schneider D, Dühren-von Minden M, Alkhatib A, Setz C, van Bergen CA, Benkißer-Petersen M, Wilhelm I, Villringer S, Krysov S, Packham G, Zirlik K, Römer W, Buske C, Stevenson FK, Veelken H, Jumaa H
    (See online at
  • Platelets induce apoptosis via membrane-bound FasL. Blood. (2015) 126(12):1483-93
    Schleicher RI, Reichenbach F, Kraft P, Kumar A, Lescan M, Todt F, Göbel K, Hilgendorf I, Geisler T, Bauer A, Olbrich M, Schaller M, Wesselborg S, O'Reilly L, Meuth SG, Schulze-Osthoff K, Gawaz M, Li X, Kleinschnitz C, Edlich F, Langer HF
    (See online at
  • Structural characterization of O- and C-glycosylating variants of the landomycin glycosyltransferase LanGT2. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. (2015) 54(9):2811-5
    Tam HK, Härle J, Gerhardt S, Rohr J, Wang G, Thorson JS, Bigot A, Lutterbeck M, Seiche W, Breit B, Bechthold A, Einsle O
    (See online at
  • A Cholesterol-Based Allostery Model of T Cell Receptor Phosphorylation. Immunity. (2016) 44(5):1091-101
    Swamy M, Beck-Garcia K, Beck-Garcia E, Hartl FA, Morath A, Yousefi OS, Dopfer EP, Molnár E, Schulze AK, Blanco R, Borroto A, Martín-Blanco N, Alarcon B, Höfer T, Minguet S, Schamel WW
    (See online at
  • A conserved influenza A virus NP code controls specific viral genome packaging. Nat Commun. (2016) 7:12861
    Moreira E A, Weber A, Bolte H, Kolesnikova L, Giese S, Lakdawala S, Beer M, Zimmer G, Garcia- Sastre A, Schwemmle M, Juozapaitis M
    (See online at
  • A phospho-dependent mechanism involving NCoR and KMT2D controls a permissive chromatin state at Notch target genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jun 2;44(10):4703-20
    Oswald F, Rodriguez P, Giaimo BD, Antonello ZA, Mira L, Mittler G, Thiel VN, Collins KJ, Tabaja N, Cizelsky W, Rothe M, Kühl SJ, Kühl M, Ferrante F, Hein K, Kovall RA, Dominguez M, Borggrefe T
    (See online at
  • A systems study reveals concurrent activation of AMPK and mTOR by amino acids. Nat Commun. (2016) 7:13254
    Dalle Pezze P, Ruf S, Sonntag AG, Langelaar-Makkinje M, Hall P, Heberle AM, Razquin Navas P, van Eunen K, Tölle RC, Schwarz JJ, Wiese H, Warscheid B, Deitersen J, Stork B, Fäßler E, Schäuble S, Hahn U, Horvatovich P, Shanley DP, Thedieck K
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  • Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into renal tubular epithelial cells by defined transcription factors. Nat Cell Biol (2016) 18(12):1269-1280
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