Project Details
GPU Accelerated Radiation-Magneto-Hydrodynamics
Professor Dr. Robi Stefan Banerjee
Subject Area
Astrophysics and Astronomy
from 2013 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 228148919
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The aim of this project was to accelerate the software packages FLASH (magneto-hydrodynamics) and PHOENX (radiation transfer) with the support of an effective GPU-utilisation for astrophysical studies. In summary, we developed a GPU-accelerated tree-based solver for the self-gravity part of the FLASH code and a new algorithm to accelerate the PHOENIX/3D radiation transfer code on the basis of OpenCL.
2016, New Astron., 45, 14
Lukat, G., & Banerjee, R.
2018, “Numerical Radiation Transport Algorithms for Emergent Computer Architectures”, Dissertation, Universität Hamburg
Wichert, V.